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Kick a user out of edit mode on an object

Robert Johnson

Ever you ever seen this and have been unable to edit/move/delete an the object?

This is what you will see when the user who’s name is shown has the object in edit mode.

There are a few ways to kick the user out of edit mode - the first one can be used by any participant on a board (except a Visitor

  1. Bring that user to you → You can use the Bring to me Attention Management feature to kick that participant out of edit mode by
    1. selecting your avatar,
    2. select "Bring to me...",
    3. and select that user
      This will kick the user out of edit mode, but they will still have the object selected (but you can still edit/move/delete it/etc.
      - Any participant on the board can do this (except a Visitor).
      - You can even do this to the board owner.
  2. Temporarily set the board to view-only → The nuances of this option will depend on your scenario - e.g., only a board owner or co-owner should be able to do this. And depending on your participants, e.g., visitors vs. guests vs. team members, you can set the Team or Public access to View only and then back to Edit, or if you have guests on the board, you could change a specific guests access to view only.


I hope this helps at least one of you!

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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • March 19, 2022

@Robert Johnson -

Great tips - especially the first one! Will have to remember that if it ever happens in one of my classes. My assumption is that it is a “freak” event causing a messup in concurrency control which is likely why I’ve never encountered it in the past two years.


Henrik Ståhl

I agree with @Kiron Bondale, it's really neat that the Bring to me feature works in this case. I wonder if it's intentional? If so, the person who thought of that use case is a genius!

Matthew Radford

@Robert Johnson Thanks for the tip.


Thanks for your effort, but this did not help me, unfortunately.

I have a user (visitor) who has blocked one frame. He/she (dunno who) has logged out of the board - I’m currently the only logged in user - so I cannot bring her/him to me. Neither does it work to revoke edit rights (have tried revoking access entirely, too).

How can I kick this user out???

Robert Johnson
  • Author
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7249 replies
  • September 5, 2022
Anders Wahlborg wrote:

Thanks for your effort, but this did not help me, unfortunately.

I have a user (visitor) who has blocked one frame. He/she (dunno who) has logged out of the board - I’m currently the only logged in user - so I cannot bring her/him to me. Neither does it work to revoke edit rights (have tried revoking access entirely, too).

How can I kick this user out???

@Anders Wahlborg - Have you tried duplicating the board, to see if the object is still locked in the duplicate?


@Robert Johnson No, not yet. I was able to unlock the blocked frame, create a copy of it (which of course was not locked) and then hide the blocked one and continue using the copy. I asked users to disregard the blocked area, and instead use the copy. By this I was able to continue.
Thanks for the tip, though. Will try it.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • October 21, 2022

Hmm be careful with the 2nd option. I just lost access to the board and the owner is on holiday!

