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I can't fathom deleting boards when someone has left

  • January 7, 2022
  • 1 reply

This should be really simple but I can’t work it out!


Someone left so I deleted their account, and took the option to have their boards transferred to me as the ‘company admin’.  I thought this would enable me to delete their boards, but it seems that you need to be on the Enterprise account scheme to have this power (would have been nice to be told this at the time!).

So what does one do now?  I have boards belonging to a person who has left that I can’t delete.  Looking through the help files there seems to be some option to ‘leave’ these boards but I can’t work out how this will enable me to then delete these boards…?


It says:

If you are not the owner of the board and not a Company Admin with Content Admin permissions, you cannot delete it as shown above. Instead of the Delete button, certain users of paid teams who are not board owners see the option to Leave board (more in the article How to leave a board). Note that free plan members cannot leave boards.


But then on the Leave Board info page there’s nothing about being able to delete, it just says:

 ‘I'm a Team Admin, but I can't delete or move other users' boards. What should I do?
Only the Board owner can delete or move their board. As a workaround, you can delete the Board owner from the team - Miro will give you the opportunity to delete their boards along with the user. 


So how does leaving a board get me any further towards being able to delete it?  If anything, it seems to remove any access at all to it (with dire warnings that this cannot be undone).



Thanks for any help you can give me.

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  • Mironeer
  • 121 replies
  • January 10, 2022

Hi @Dave Tidy!

We might need more information to figure out what’s going on so I went ahead and created a ticket for you. 🙂

We’ll be getting in touch with you shortly via email, so stay tuned for the updates! 
