Thank you for reaching out! At this time certain functions are available to specific user plans. May I ask what function are you interested in having and under which plan? Once I have this information I can look further into the details of getting set up on your end!
thank you for your quick response. In teaching the Digital Technologies course I use the Education Plan via in combination with a Microsoft Sign On. The second paid plan belongs to, It would be great if my students can practice with your AI Sticky Note feature during the next week.
I have good news! Clustering has been enabled in your profile [EMAIL REMOVED] edu account and in [EMAIL REMOVED] consultant account. Please confirm that it appears to be working on your end.
To start the clustering journey, click the clustering app icon on the bottom toolbar.
For more handy information check out this article!
Thank you for your efforts before Christmas. The beta feature has been well received by students and has positively influenced the discussion of how pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, and memorized solution paths work.
Why Coke, Xmas and the color red have a relationship we leave it like that. Similar to Apple and Stone 😉
@Yadira how do we get access to the beta features? I’m on some boards where clustering is showing, some where it’s not. I’d love to have access at my user level. ;) Mark
I would like to add on to this, I have discovered the Recording feature, and it would be so useful in my classes. However, when I try to use it, I am informed that it is only for Beta Users, any chance I can be beta too?
Could you please activate the Talktrack feature for me as well? I’m a consultant, so I do lots of Async communication. This would really help my practice!
I have been in touch with Manouska who invited me to the Beta TalkTrack but it blocks me from opening the invite. Could you check for me please? My email is
I am also trying to use Miro for repetitive presentations (to the board and other teams): would be great if I could use the Beta feature called TalkTrack: could you get it activated for my account?
Hi there! I am also trying to use Miro for presentations (to my studends). So, it would be great if I could use the Beta feature called TalkTrack. Could you get it activated for my account?