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Does Miro have feature like Visio to center last object selected

  • November 1, 2021
  • 3 replies

So I’m working on a miro board at the moment and I specifically want to center a grouped object to align center wise to another object I select on the board but I want the object I selected first to be the anchor object that I want the last object selected to be aligned to center wise. 

In visio this is extremely easy to do as Visio will center the last object selected with the other object that was selected first.  So you dictate the anchor object this way without a second thought.

In Miro, it keeps moving the object I selected first to be centered with the larger grouped object which I don’t want as it mis-aligns to what I am trying to do. 

I tried locking the smaller first object I selected, but when you do that you cannot shift-left click to add another object to the selection.

Any way to do this in Miro? 

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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • November 1, 2021

@Justin Silva -

When you bring an object near to another, Miro will show you guidelines to help you align it based on the edges or center of the first object. This is not done by selecting both objects, but merely by moving the second object close enough to the first that Miro picks up on their proximity and provides those guide lines. 

The following Help Center article provides more details about these so called “Smart Guides”:


  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • November 8, 2021

Thanks Kiron, yea I use that when the objects are close, but in this case I had an object on the bottom of a Miro board, and one on the top and I wanted to align them together, but one was already aligned to an area that I wanted to ‘anchor’ the other to for when it was centered so to speak so they would both end up aligned centered where I wanted. 

To add there was also unrelated objects in between them for other content in the white board/diagram that I didn’t want aligned to them so that’s where this issue arises. 

In visio this aint a problem as I select the 1st object I want to be the anchor on the say the bottom of the diagram, the select the other one on the top and hit center align and I’m done.  

This is not do-able in Miro as in my case Miro was centering the ‘anchor’ object to the last object I selected which was the inverse of what I wanted as it ended up aligning the objects but in the wrong area so it looked off diagram wise.  Where-as Visio has a consistent aligning logic you can rely and use as a tool in itself to  pick multiple objects all around a complex diagram and align them exactly how you want.  So it limits the capabilities so to speak.  I suppose I can do a feature request? 

  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • November 8, 2021

Also I put my example of the ‘challenge’ into the following pictures to help illustrate. 

Example Issue - 1
Example Issue Continued - 2
Example Issue Continued - 3

I did end up finding the solution so to speak at the end on the 3rd pic, and I can use that, but to make it an even better experience having those little ‘creature comforts’ really will help excel this as a Visio replacement. 

Love for example its cross platform and avoids say having to use Visio on Window and Omnigraffle on Mac. Absolutely enjoying Miro for diagramming and white boarding with customers.  It’s practically a Visio replacement for me, just missing little methods for finite diagram manipulation like this. 
