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Limit who can create boards?


I’m trying to figure out optimal settings to ensure boards can’t be shared outside our team by anyone other than Team Admins. It’s likely to be Team plan that we upgrade to if I can come up with a plan for this. I know I can prevent anyone but admins adding members to the team already so that’s fine. We’ll have 2 team members who won’t be admin and will need to be able to edit boards but I don’t want them to be able to share them. I believe, on the Team plan, I can restrict the sharing ability on boards I create but, if they create one, they’d be the owner and I can’t control the sharing settings. Assuming I’m right about that, is there any way I can prevent them creating any boards and have them request a new board be set up if needed?

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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • October 5, 2021

@Stina Dunlop -

As far as I know, if a user is a full licensed member of the team, they will be able to create boards and I don’t know of any way to restrict that. This might be doable under the Enterprise plan but I don’t believe it is feasible under any of the other paid plans.

The other option would be to invite these users to collaborate on boards using the anonymous guest editor access method. With that, they could only access the boards for which you’ve shared links with them and they couldn’t create any new boards themselves.


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7249 replies
  • October 5, 2021

@Stina Dunlop - @Kiron Bondale’s suggestion of guest editors is one strategy I have seen teams employ - not only to restrict board creation, but also to save on licensing costs.

How this works for them: A select few would be given paid licenses on a Team Plan, would create boards, set the Share settings to Anyone with the link → Can edit, and would then share the link of the boards with the remaining team members who would star the boards for ease of access from their own Free Plan Starred boards dashboard. However, this directly goes against your point of wanting to restrict boards from being made publicly shareable.

Also, keep in mind there are a number of features that are not available to guests as per the Collaboration with anonymous Guest editors Help Center article:

