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Miro MindMaping for Business Book Structuring?

  • September 2, 2021
  • 2 replies

Hi I’m a long term mindmapper. Thrilled to see Mindmapping in Miro and want to use it. Has anyone found a way to use it to create Business Book Outlines or Structures? 

This is one I created in MindManager - its great as a stand alone but has very limited team and sharing functionality. Miro is much better at that. But so far I can only find ‘tree’ or left to right branching map formats. 

Anyone managed to create a map like this top down one in Miro? Thank you. 

Mindmanager top down book structure

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  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • September 2, 2021

@Jennifer Kenny :

Years ago I’ve worked with MindManager before I used iMindMap (now Ayoa).

It’s sad for me to say but so true:

You can’t compete the rudimentary MindMapping functions of miro with one MindMappig program because of different points:

  • No collapsible branches / No option to bring a picture into the center of your MindMap or to add pictures to the branches itself.

OK - Yes, you can build yourself a grapic oriented thing manually but there are no ways to make the structure collapsible because you like to have more overview …

If you go with the MindMapping tool you get something like this:


Or if you go with manual working you will get this:

  • You cannot change the optical output of a MindMap with one click of a button:

  • You  cannot change the textformat of the MindMap and in the branches itself not even the fontsize:


This is a wish - not possible till now
  • You cannot have pictures in the center of your MindMap that automaticly going with your center without manually group it:


  • Or working with additional text elements to “fake” a design


Every reason why someone works with a MindMapping program:

  • Unleash creativity
  • Concentrate on the Mindflow
  • Getting the “big picture” and returning to the detail

And you get faster to your result with a real MindMapping program.

Believe me:

I’ve gone through a hard process!

Everything I have done before with MindManager/iMindMap I wanted to do with Miro.

It has not worked … 

No it works …

with a lot a whole lot of resctrictions

I worked over three decades with MindMapping software and I came to the conclusion:
I can do a lot of work with Miro and makes my life much more easier


It cannot gets into the same league like any other MindMapping tool is now - Maybe this will change in a near future.
As long as this is I work with my iMindMap program because i get a faster/better/more creative/flexible and most important:
More efficient (timesaving) solution that Miro offers.

Till now there is - when it comes to MindMapping - real frustration on my site - and for every other aspect of Miro a fire of enthusiasm.

I have never used a tool that gave me so many many options to work with - and I use it more than former MindMapping tools I have ever used -

And - till it not has a massive update in it’s MindMapping functions

I will never ever use it as a MindMapping tool - because all other tools are milestones ahead with their MindMapping functionalities!


  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • September 2, 2021

BTW: For writing I recommend:

One of the best tools I know for writing - it has an implemented MindMapping tool and much much more inside.

