I’m pretty new to the product and its actually a really good alternative to Lucid.
When trying to embed a frame it doesn’t appear the embedAutoplay=true option can be used, not sure if thats a bug or intentional. Anyone know?
I’m pretty new to the product and its actually a really good alternative to Lucid.
When trying to embed a frame it doesn’t appear the embedAutoplay=true option can be used, not sure if thats a bug or intentional. Anyone know?
Best answer by Robert Johnson
… uses embedAutoplay=true
But the code in:
… uses autoplay=yep as stated by Marina in this post.
So in your Presentation mode iframe code, add &autoplay=yep to the end of your src URL.
Here it is in action → https://sites.google.com/view/realrobertjohnson/embed-test
By default, Miro Live Embed opens with a pre-loader screen that displays the name of the board and suggests that the user clicks a button to load the board or request access to the board if the board is not public. To enable the board autoplay (no need to click See the board to load the board content), add &embedAutoplay=true after the board URL to the iframe code. Example:
<iframe width="768" height="432" src="https://miro.com/app/live-embed/o9J_klErelY=/?moveToViewport=-3099,-2331,6592,3135&embedAutoplay=true" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no" allowFullScreen></iframe>
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