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Reduce Toolbar for workshop attendees

Is it possible to reduce the symbols and options in the toolbar on the left hand side for invited attendees of a workshop? e.g. just let them the option of moving, adding posts and nothing else.

It seems that most attendees are not familiar with digital pinboards and get confused with too many options. They feel stressed and get tired earlier which is not good.

And it happens that they start adding frames unvoluntarily while trying to navigate. After my last remote workshop there was a dozen of frames scattered all over the pinboard.


PS: I love working with the MIRO pinboard! It’s really amazing! Thanks for the cool tool!

Pinned reply

May 22, 2020

Hi @Fra as far as I am aware, there isn't a simplified UI option.

My good practice is to have pre-workshop session (20-30 mins) for participants to try out Miro in a facilitated environment. You can take this opportunity to do an ice-breaker and at the same time to learn the Miro tools. This way, it doesn't take away time during the main workshop itself.

If the above is not possible, then create the most simplest board that you can to achieve the learning outcome and spend at least 10-15 minutes to show your participants on how to use those 3 tools (and nothing else.) It's good to remind them repetitively about this.

To do so, use your screen sharing feature in your video conferencing tool such as Zoom or Google Meet so that they can see and understand where and what to click on within Miro.

I hope that helps.

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12 replies

  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • April 23, 2020

Hi @Georg Schuster and @Wendie Hipolito ,
Yes, you can customize the toolbar. 

Look into this:

Each and every icon you can drag into the other section so your toolbar is exactly this way you need it.



Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • April 23, 2020

@Georg Schuster -

Other than the sandbox idea which Michael has provided which I also use at the beginning of my courses, the other is to provide a Miro “cheat sheet” in advance to participants with some basic info on orientation to the board layout and tools.


mlanders wrote:

Hi @Georg Schuster and @Wendie Hipolito ,
Yes, you can customize the toolbar. 

Look into this:

Each and every icon you can drag into the other section so your toolbar is exactly this way you need it.



Hi Michael, thanks a lot!

if I would deactivate some of the functions in the toolbar as described in your helpful link, is this function deactivated on participants boards too? That would be the main question for me.


  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • April 24, 2020

Hi Goerge,

i’ve tried it but it seems that your invited attendees are getting the full toolbar.

If your work with a free / editing link it seems that when you login yourself first into a free editing account and you customize this toolbar it is shown reduced to the others.

What about when you first login in screensharing-mode and show what to do:

A step by step manual for reducing the toolbar

Then everybody should reduce his/her own toolbar and after that you start your workshop?


  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • May 22, 2020

Remove UI elements


I’m planning a workshop with some guest users which are not familiar with Miro, and maybe not even very tech-savvy.

Is there a way to present them with a simplified UI? For example they might only need to place post-its, move already existing objects and draw freehand. The rest of the functionalities of Miro might only confuse them.

I know that there are resources and strategies for ice-breaking and onboarding in the docs, just wanted to check out all the options :)


Isman Tanuri
Pinned reply

Hi @Fra as far as I am aware, there isn't a simplified UI option.

My good practice is to have pre-workshop session (20-30 mins) for participants to try out Miro in a facilitated environment. You can take this opportunity to do an ice-breaker and at the same time to learn the Miro tools. This way, it doesn't take away time during the main workshop itself.

If the above is not possible, then create the most simplest board that you can to achieve the learning outcome and spend at least 10-15 minutes to show your participants on how to use those 3 tools (and nothing else.) It's good to remind them repetitively about this.

To do so, use your screen sharing feature in your video conferencing tool such as Zoom or Google Meet so that they can see and understand where and what to click on within Miro.

I hope that helps.

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • May 22, 2020

Thanks for the great answer, I’ll do that :)

  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • June 8, 2020

Thanks everyone for sharing your workarounds!

@Georg Schuster, we are researching this topic and have this idea in the backlog. Currently, when you invite anonymous Guest Editors, they have a reduced tollbar.


Hello Marina, 

Our team is also looking for a way to reduce the toolbar set for our users in a one-time event/workshop.

Can the SDK currently allow us to control what tools we want to disable or more preferably not even show?

It’s been nearly 2 years since this post was created, has anything since then changed?


You did mention a workaround at the time whereby when you invite anonymous Guest Editors, they have a reduced toolbar.

We don't seem to see where we can enable this 'edit' capability for Guest editors as it looks greyed out. Do we need certain credentials to do this?


My hope is that Miro is customizable enough by now for developers through the SDK to set only the tools they want to show to their users. 


  • Mironeer
  • 277 replies
  • May 16, 2022

Hey @Fred Weigman,

We recently released Smart Meetings (still in beta), where the ability to limit the tools accessible to participants was introduced. This functionality is accessible on Education, Consultant, Business, and Enterprise plans.

As for the Guest Editors currently known as Visitors, editing access can only be granted to them on paid plans. On the Free plan, they can only view the boards. 

Lastly, I'm not sure if our SDK allows you to limit or select which tools are accessible to collaborators, so I would recommend addressing this question in the Developers forum, where our Developer Advocates, who are the most knowledgeable in this area, will be happy to answer it for you.

Hi @Alyona,

Thanks for the reply. It looks like Smart Meetings would be the best way to go. Unfortunately, I read that the beta is not available for new accounts and it is rather vague about when it will be available as it just says ‘in the future’ and ‘coming soon’ in various places.

Maybe you can help direct me in a personal message to the people responsible for possibly making exceptions for certain groups to get on board with the beta now.

We are currently waiting for the invitational form that would allow us, if accepted, to be in the Freelancers program. I’m hoping that this program will include the beta of Smart Meetings. I

n the interim we might look at moving our Free Plan to the Business or Consultant plan. And between these two I’m not sure which is more suitable but regardless we would like to be on board with beta Smart Meetings now, rather than spending tons on time in the SDK arena just trying maybe duplicate the efforts that are already available in Smart Meetings beta.

Looking forward to your response. 

Thank You

  • Mironeer
  • 277 replies
  • May 16, 2022

Hey @Fred Weigman,

I checked with the team internally and they told me that for customers on self-serve plans (any paid plan that isn't the Enterprise) the Smart Meetings bundle should be available right after clicking the Start using smart meetings button on this page:

It's important to mention that for this activation to work, you should have an account on one of the plans supporting this functionality prior to pressing the button. If you're unsure which plan will suit you best, I would advise checking out this handy article: Plans and features available.
