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PDF embedded in board is low quality when exported from frame

is anyone else having problems with embadded pdf files. I’m getting really bad qauality when exporting to pdf in high qualtiy. looks like a bug.

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May 11, 2021

answer from support team:

…  the issue you've run into (poor export quality when you place a PDF document into a frame and export this frame), is a known limitation at the moment. The thins is, that we use high-quality pictures to prevent the crash of export to pdf service, so pdf documents will be exported as pictures and can be displayed with pixel blur although you export them as pdf vector quality. I hope it makes sense!

As a workaround, you can convert PDF files to images (for example, PNG or SVG) and then upload them to Miro in order to get better quality when exporting. Please, accept our apologies for this inconvenience! ...

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7250 replies
  • May 7, 2021

@Camillo 911 - Is the problem with PDFs embedded into your Miro boards or exporting all/part of a board to a PDF? These are two different features.

How are you using Miro? Browser? A desktop app?

What type of plan are you on?

If you are on a paid plan, are you exporting a frame to image → vector PDF or are you exporting the board to “best quality” PDF?

Also, if some of the content is not confidential, can you provide an example, such as a screenshot of the quality before and after?


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  • May 7, 2021


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  • May 7, 2021
Robert Johnson wrote:

@Camillo 911 - If you are on a paid plan, are you exporting a frame to image → vector PDF or are you exporting the board to “best quality” PDF?



Im on a paid plan. I exported “save as pdf”  “best quality pdf”

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  • May 7, 2021
Robert Johnson wrote:

@Camillo 911 -

How are you using Miro? Browser? A desktop app?



browser, firefox and chrome. happens wiht both.

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  • May 7, 2021

I’m exporting from a frame.


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
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  • May 7, 2021

@Camillo 911 - Thanks for the information.

And this, it is made from Miro objects, e.g., lines and uploaded images, or is it a PDF that has been embedded into the board:


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  • May 7, 2021

it is a PDF embedded into the board.

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
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  • May 7, 2021

@Camillo 911 - It’s likely that this is happening due to the way Miro renders embedded PDFs as I suspect that when they create you exported PDF, they process everything on the board as it is displayed, meaning they don’t say, “hey, this object is a PDF, so we will open it up and merge that page(s) into our PDF” - or something like that. However, for a more definitive answer, let’s ask them. I will go ahead and create a support ticket directly from this ticket, since it has a lot of good information in it.

It would be helpful for the community if you were to come back here and let us know what the support team tells you.

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  • May 11, 2021
Pinned reply

answer from support team:

…  the issue you've run into (poor export quality when you place a PDF document into a frame and export this frame), is a known limitation at the moment. The thins is, that we use high-quality pictures to prevent the crash of export to pdf service, so pdf documents will be exported as pictures and can be displayed with pixel blur although you export them as pdf vector quality. I hope it makes sense!

As a workaround, you can convert PDF files to images (for example, PNG or SVG) and then upload them to Miro in order to get better quality when exporting. Please, accept our apologies for this inconvenience! ...

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
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  • May 11, 2021

@Camillo 911 - Thanks for the update!

I’m really unhappy with this outcome, this is the first time I’ve used Miro for a research project and it will take me ages to screen grab everything. Also, the prices to upgrade are extortionate for individuals and freelancers. 

Robert Johnson
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  • November 23, 2021

@Rebecca Wright - I have not found Miro’s pricing to be exorbitant when compared to other real-time collaboration whiteboard platforms.

For example, let’s look at Miro’s Consultant Plan which costs $12/month when billed annually and $15 when billed monthly.

  • Figma’s FigJam “Figma Professional” appears to cost the same.
  • MURAL’s Team+ plan is less than Miro’s Consultant Plan at $9.99/annually, and $12/monthly, however, this only allows for one “workspace” where as Miro’s Consultant Plan allows for unlimited workspaces/teams.
    • When comparing MURAL’s Team+ to Miro’s Team Plan, MURAL costs more.

The cost of the tool should be relative to the value you are receiving, and for me, a $15/month expense is justified.

If you are really unhappy with the pricing and feel that it is “extortionate”, I would invite you to create a dedicated post to discuss Miro’s pricing as perhaps there are others who share your feelings on the topic.

Thanks for your reply. I did not see the price bracket for consultant, so perhaps missed that option, apologies. I still have an issue with only discovering this issue once I’d created a huge board which I needed to share with a client, one of the 3 tester boards offered for free. I just wish it had been made clear upfront that I can’t share it in any decent form. I spent a few hours today screen grabbing the boards and building a PDF as a work-around. 


Here’s the page I was shown to upgrade, via the PDF export tab - it looked like it was $96 a month, hence why I said ‘extortionate’. At first glance on the page the cheapest option looked like Teams. 

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7250 replies
  • November 23, 2021

Ahhh, yes, you appear to have seven other members on your Free Plan team, so upgrading without those members first would be a hefty bill. 

You also have the option of creating a new team using the "Add teams" icon at the far left of your Miro dashboard. Once this is done, your current Free an team remains intact and you could then move or duplicate any boards from the Free to the Consultant Plan. 

Oh my... Please excuse the horrible screenshot from my phone haha:


  • Beginner
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  • June 29, 2024

low-res pdf export is still an issue.

exporting pdf does not retain the size, either.
