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Missing flow diagram shapes

I can't believe that the “all” shapes are actually ALL the shapes that are standard available in Miro?

Simple shape for example “document” is missing as well as other basic shapes. 


Somebody please help me out of my disbelief that this might actually be the case ;)

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  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • April 1, 2021

@David Corner

Till now there is no solution with this - But - a workaround with the Iconfinder:

After you grouped Icon and Text you can work with them:



  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • April 1, 2021

@mlanders Michael, thanks for your workaround and will go with what you proposed.

I have to add however that I find it an utterly stunning omission of not having standard flowchart symbols part of the default library.

  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • April 1, 2021

@David Corner

a month ago I added a wish to the wishlist for better flowchart integration / adding a flowchart-tool into the marketplace - maybe you can vote for this:


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  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • April 1, 2021

@mlanders I certainly will

My disbelief lies in that for flow diagrams there are standard symbols and having only a partial and incomplete library is a strange oversight to say the least.


What I need is basic flowchart symbols to be included in the basic symbol library, not alternatives.

Creating flow diagrams with alternative symbols is a bandage at best and am simply baffled as it is such a basic fundamental feature.


Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • April 1, 2021

@David Corner -

I think it comes down to what is the main focus of Miro - if they wanted to compete with tools such as Visio, having multiple libraries of common shapes would be a “must have”. However, as they are primarily a collaboration canvas without focusing on a specific type of work this has not been a priority.


  • Contributor
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  • November 11, 2021

I’m another (engineer in this case) sharing the frustration. Love Miro in many ways, the UI control and overall flow of the program plus presentation potential blow others out of the water.

But it painfully lacks an edge routing solver, and symbols like are being asked for here.

The thing that gets me is that this seems a simple solve - no/minimal extra code, just someone sitting down and compiling a library with shapes incl edge points and text.

  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • November 13, 2021

@Kiron Bondale : Yes - miro started as an collaboration tool … but it’s ablities have grown (maybe to fast) therefore some things do not work as smooth as they should.

Miro didn’t started as MindMapping tool … they added a function into their tool but …

Miro does a lot to place their tools a MindMapping tool (Google yourself and you can find that their Google add is no 1) So they invest a lot of money to get a visible result.

And … if you compare their MindMapping capabilities you find out that they are rudimentary and cannot compete to MindManager or MindMeister, XMind … or whatever …

They are doing a lot to place their MindMapping Image in the Public: This is a MindMapping tool … but it isn’t … it’s vapoware ..

So … Why not … going into the same direction they did with their Video-Chat system:
They’ve got one … but the have never tried to tell: The best Video Chat tool … no:

The develeoped marketplace tools for Zoom and Webex

Or they never told: Best Kanban tool

 - they left this for Trello and implemented an App for the Marketplace …


Why not doing the same when it comes to diagramming / MindMapping

Develope a marketplace tool for MindMeister … XMind … or other MindMapping tools
Develope a marketplace tool for Visio … even for Lucid …


Look: Lucid is a good platform but will never be on the high level like miro is

In the time the miro developers do resarch and work for diagramming … they could do other work to push their platform further forward …

So either …

Place compareble tools into the miro system ( miro world) 


If my programmers cannot (or I havent got enough ressources/time) … then I look for someone who does apps … maybe look for a partnership wih … 


But if it go and do Google Adds that tell me:

I get and MindMapping or Diagramming tool and I didn’t … mh … of course I’ll be frustrated …


(still hoping for:

  • Better / Normal MindMapping functionality
  • compareble flowchart integration 
  • OR
  • App / Implementation that offer me same like
    Zoom / Webex / Trello

Miro hasn’t got to be a Flowchart tool … all I want to see is a compareble implementation … and much more if (I where an enterprise client … that this tools does do their same job like they did in other tools)


