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Stop ability to copy and paste Protected Locked elements

Is there a way to lock objects so that they are completely locked and cannot be copied and pasted out by non admin.

I have large work spaces with over 100 repeated frames which are all grouped and then locked. My students enter the room via a link, choose a frame and then work on top of the locked frames. All the frames are locked and cannot be moved.

BUT - The problem I have is students sometimes click a locked frame (which is grouped with 100 other frames) by accident and copy and paste and duplicate all the frames including all of the work included on all of the frame. Its a utter mess, and destroys hours of work.

Protected locked surely would stop someone copy and pasting the locked elements. 

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • March 11, 2021

@Alex Gillott - I was just doing some tests myself and it appears that, if you have frames grouped together and then you lock all but one of those frames, when someone selected the unlocked frame and does a copy-and-paste or Duplicate action, ALL of the grouped objects are duplicated.

It’s hard to say if this was intentional or was just never considered. Either way, you could always report it to Miro support. In the support form, I would just setting the “Type” as “Other”.

I would also suggest that you include a link to this post when submitting the feedback to Miro Support.

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • March 11, 2021

@Alex Gillott - In the meantime, ensure that all objects are locked. You can quickly unlock all by right-clicking on an empty spot on the board and selecting Unlock all. Then you can pick-and-choose - just double-check the is/is not grouped together.

  • Author
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  • March 12, 2021

Hey there @Robert Johnson thanks so much for your speedy response. I don't think this is the case. If you lock one element on its own, then try to copy and paste it, it will copy and paste straight out of a protected locked. This is a major problem with Miro its not locked and not protected from copy and paste hehe. Plus if you have any other elements ontop the locked frame it copies and pastes these elements out with the locked frame hehe.  Maybe Im missing some thing or theres a work around. 

  • Author
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  • March 12, 2021

Ive emailed support thanks so much for the link, really appreciate your help.


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • March 12, 2021
Alex Gillott wrote:

Hey there @Robert Johnson thanks so much for your speedy response. I don't think this is the case. If you lock one element on its own, then try to copy and paste it, it will copy and paste straight out of a protected locked. This is a major problem with Miro its not locked and not protected from copy and paste hehe. Plus if you have any other elements ontop the locked frame it copies and pastes these elements out with the locked frame hehe.  Maybe Im missing some thing or theres a work around. 

No, I don’t think you’re missing anything. I frickin’ swear this was not the case for me when I replied earlier. When I go back into my test board - from different browsers, as different team members, now I can copy-and-paste or Duplicate objects as a team member who is not the board owner and even only a team Member (not Team Admin).

I’ll report back if I figure out the conditions to replicate my previous results.

I would also suggest including a link to this post in your support ticket. You can reply to the email or go this this page, sign in, and the My activities:

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • March 12, 2021

@Alex Gillott - Okay,  I got this sorted.

What’s happening appears to be a “loophole” and if its a bug or not would depend on the intent of a “protected lock” object - is it to never have a copy of it made or simply stop someone else from modifying it. Actually, I would say this is a loophole that needs to be closed as the protected lock content may be something the owner does not want anyone to download from the board, e.g., an image. Here’s what’s happening:

If I create a sticky note on an empty spot on the board and lock it, yes, someone can duplicate it. However, if I enable protected lock, they cannot.

Example (the screen on the right is the person who created the sticky):


However, if I simply put a frame around the protected-locked object and then duplicate (Ctrl+D or copy/paste), then I am able to make an unlocked copy of the object: 


The workaround: The owner of the protected locked object needs to put a frame around the object and protected lock the frame. Now the other board participant cannot put a frame around that protected-locked frame and duplicate it.

My apologies if you were saying that all along and my curiosity took over my ability to listen :wink:

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • March 12, 2021

@Alex Gillott - Definitely include a link to this post in your support ticket rather than try to explain it all again!

  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • March 14, 2021

@Robert Johnson Hey there thanks again for taking the time to look at this for me I really appreciate it. For me both of your top examples, Im able to copy and paste out. Lock and protected lock.

For example create a postit
Option 1/ Lock it - select it copy and paste - duplicated out
Option 2/ Lock it, then press the protected lock symbol (anyone can unlock) - select it then press Command C command V its pastes the same, there's not difference for me if I use keyboard commands.

The protected lock symbol is very confusing as it doesn't use the word (protected lock). When you hover over it, its says anyone can unlock. That to me gives the impression that a non admin can unlock the object. The whole lock thing needs looking its bizarre.

Be amazing if it could get sorted.

Thanks again for all your help

All the best

Lucie A
  • Active Contributor
  • 48 replies
  • November 8, 2023

All for this one! Really frustrating that locked (and protected lock) still enable copy pasting, and can be a hazard to live sessions!

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • November 8, 2023
Lucie A wrote:

All for this one! Really frustrating that locked (and protected lock) still enable copy pasting, and can be a hazard to live sessions!

I just did a test and when on a board as a non-owner (or non-co-owner), and when a locked object has Protected Lock enabled, I could not duplicate objects using Ctrl-D or Alt-arrow key, or Ctrl-C/V. There was also no “Duplicate” or  “Copy” options in the right the object’s context menus.

The only thing I did noticed was that the text from the object can be copy-pasted. E.g., protected lock sticky note with the text of “This is a test” - when I selected the protected lock sticky note and did a Ctrl-C/V, the text from the sticky was created as a Miro text object.

Lucie A
  • Active Contributor
  • 48 replies
  • November 9, 2023

@Robert Johnson aaahhhh, I see what I did.

I’d first of all tested if I could copy paste as a visitor with just general lock (as known above, it does enable you to do that).

And then when I went to test with Protected Lock, it pasted the object - but only because it was the last thing I’d copied before Protected Lock got switched on.

Testing with a fresh board and I can see the Protected Lock does indeed precent this from happening as I’d hoped. 

Awesome, thanks for calling that out! 🥳