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Own vector graphics vs miro board graphics

  • February 11, 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi there,

I’m going to work remotely with a group of 25 people the whole day. For that I’d like to use many different vector graphics. I wonder whether it makes a different to create the graphics on my own and uploading them onto the boar or is it better for perfomance and speed to create them with the miro board tools?

Do you have any experiences on that? Because if there are attendees with less speed of connection I’d like to optimize my board for the workshop.

Thanks for help

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Soumyadeep Mandal

Hi @Frederick Meseck 

Welcome to the Miro Online Community!

You can do whatever best suits you!

If you have good internet connectivity and you spend most f the time on the internet then you can do it on Miro other than that you can do offline and then upload it to Miro.

If many users are working online at the same time while collaborating on Miro then the best option is to do your work on Miro.

Both the options are best in their own way! Choose the one that suits you!

If you are doing a workshop then I will prefer to do it on Miro, it will work on a low internet connection too!
