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How to Manage [RESTORED] files

  • October 11, 2020
  • 6 replies

Brian Fulghum

My colleague on a different team has a board that got somehow corrupted and she has a message [restored] board.



I’m not a team member on this board, only a guest. She opened the [restored] board and it looks fine, but she wants to ensure that this becomes the default board again. The originally shared link still goes back to the corrupted board.

Is there a way to to save the Recovered board as an unaffected duplicate, (she tried renaming the restored board, but that just changed the name of the restored version. The original link still goes back to the corrupted board, and the “check the version of the board restored” just goes to what she renamed; they still are linked.

The question is, what is best practice at this point to ensure that data isn’t lost, the Restored version isn’t again overwritten with a corrupted version, and generally to get back on the normal path again.

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7267 replies
  • October 11, 2020

@Brian Fulghum - Defining some terms to start:

  1. Board A - the original board that existed before this whole lost content fiasco.
  2. [RESTORED] Board A - restored backup of Board A.

As I understand your questions, your colleague wants to

  1. continue to work from Board A (presumably because the link/URL has been shared with number of people, including yourself); and
  2. ensure that the [RESTORED] Board A is backed up.

Back up everything

To start, your colleague should back up both Board A and [RESTORED] Board A. When you mentioned being a ‘guest’ on this board, I will assume you you mean guest editor which indicates that your colleague has a paid (or Education) plan and therefore has access to the Download board backup feature and can follow the steps in the Board Backup help center article to export a copy of both boards as .rtb files.

Testing the backups by restoring them

Before we go any further, your colleague should confirm that the exported backup files are intact. To do this, she should restore both boards and confirm that they look okay. This is done from the Miro dashboard using the Upload from backup feature (again, full details in the Board Backup help center article):


Once both are restored, she should the following two boards:

  1. Restored Board A
  2. Restored [RESTORED] Board A

If both of these look good, now she can moved on with modifying Board A without worries of losing data. I would also recommend that she keeps copies of the exported boards somewhere they are backed up (Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.).

Copying all content from “[RESTORED] Board A” to “Board A”

There are a number of options here. At first I was going to suggest that we do a copy-and-paste of everything from [RESTORED] Board A into Board A, but I then realized that any locked objects won’t be copied over - your colleague would first have to unlock (and later lock) them all. So, we’re going to create a Custom Template from [RESTORED] Board A and then add it to Board A.

  1. Open [RESTORED] Board A 
  2. From the export this board menu, select Save board as Template:
  3. Let’s call this template: TEMPATE OF [RESTORED] Board A.
  4. Now load Board A
  5. Use the Ctrl + A shortcut to select all objects on the board
  6. Press the Delete key - this should delete everything
    1. NOTE: If there are still objects left, this is most likely due to them being locked, so unlocked and delete until the board is empty
  7. Add the template we created in step 2 - From the content creation toolbar, select Templates
  8. Select TEMPLATE OF [RESTORED] Board A from wherever you saved your template:

And now you should have everything from the restored board ([RESTORED] Board A) in the original board (Board A), with the original board link/URL.

Brian Fulghum
  • Author
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 67 replies
  • October 12, 2020

Thanks, @Robert Johnson. It’s a bit of a lengthy process but clearly reliable and better than losing a whole workshop worth of sticky-note contributions!

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7267 replies
  • October 12, 2020

You're welcome, @Brian Fulghum. The process may seem lengthy as I am quite detailed, but once you understand the steps and are adept at using Miro, all of the steps outlined can all be completed in about five minutes. Let us know if you have any further questions 🙂

  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • October 12, 2020

Hi @Brian Fulghum,

Sorry to hear this.

I’ve converted your post into the support ticket so that the team can look into this case and give a detailed reply. They will get back to you via email.

Thank you for your understanding! 

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • October 13, 2020

And what does this process look like for an unpaid version?  Right now we have half the team working on the original file and half on the restored file.  :no_mouth:

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7267 replies
  • October 13, 2020

One  team I am on is using the Free Plan. For this team, here’s what we did:

  1. In the [RESTORED] board name” board that was restored by Miro, we put a frame around everything in the board and titled the frame: “RETORED board”
  2. Then we went into our old/original board and selected everything using Ctrl + A (NOTE: If there are any locked objects, you’ll need to unlock them first otherwise they won’t be captured. 
  3.  Then Ctrl + C to copy everything to their clipboard and then paste it all into the RESTORED board (using Ctrl + V).
  4. We then put a frame around all of this newly pasted objects and titled the frame “ORIGINAL board”.
  5. With everything copied over into one board, we deleted our old/original board as, unlike Brian, we did not care about maintaining the original board link/URL.
  6. Next, a few of us on the team started comparing was in our “ORIGINAL board” frame against what was in the “RESTORED board” frame and copied stuff from the “ORIGINAL board” frame into the “RETORED board” frame until we were satisfied that it looked complete.

