@Richard Hickson - I just
- created a new board
- saved the link in text editor
- added another user to the board
- gave the newly added person ownership of the board
- copied the link again
- compared them and the board link did not change.
Had you also tested this using the above steps?
It’s also worth noting that I have never seen a scenario where a board link changes. When permissions are changed (team/public/board-level permission change, the project a board is in, etc.) then only the permissions to that board are changed. In using this design, links don’t have to be re-sent when changes are made 
I also just did another test where I deleted and restored a board and the link remained the same. However, as one may expect, if I were to download a board backup and restore it (whether I deleted the original or not), then a new board link would be created for the restored board.