I had the starter plan so I could share one of my boards. I only had 3 boards. I cancelled the starter plan because supposedly under the free plan I could edit up to 3 boards.
Now the oldest of the three is marked as view only. I only have 3. Yes, my dashboard is set to “show all boards”.
This is my old account associated to my old work email. I decided, Ok I’ll create a new account and upload the board backups and start fresh. I did that, and somehow now my new account is an associated team member of my old account. My new account does not have any of it’s own boards at all.
I decided, Ok I’ll export one of the boards and go down to 2 boards, thinking this would unlock the one I need. That did not work. I tried uploading the board I need to my new account for editing, but it wants me to upgrade. No, there’s clearly some bug with this order of actions on my account causing my boards to messed up. I’m not gonna upgrade to fix a bug. And of course I can’t get support on the free plan so here I am.