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Miro Tag Limitation

How many Tags does Miro Support - I found out it seems to replace tags post 10 -15 tags

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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • August 18, 2020

@Vivekanand -

It is definitely more than 15 (see below) but you are correct that it does appear to replace some with others. @Marina , this is not documented in any Help Center topic so any chance you could locate limit info on the overall number of tags which can be defined at any one time?


Max Harper
  • Miro Hero
  • 373 replies
  • August 18, 2020

Tags are slightly confusing — and could probably be improved.

My understanding is that tags have a static set of 12 available colors. Miro default suggests to you a color for a tag from the upper left tag color array, it then suggests you the next unused in a path of left to right top to bottom.   And once you reach usage of all 12 colors it begins suggesting again from the top left most color in the color picker array. If you use every color for your first 12 tags your thirteenth will be a unique tag- with a unique name, but a duplicate color. 

I suppose the assumption made on MIro’s part about users is that: 

  • it’s nice to have a color pallet suggested to you 
  • nice to have a default unused color selected for you 
  • that after 12 tags you either are over-tagging or have several different organizational ontologies/tag domains running on the same board and duplicating colors is fine at that point. 


I don’t believe that there is a maximum set of tags available in a board — in terms of a unique tag is defined by a unique tag name. I’ve never hit an upper limit … yet :/ 


Tag Sub-Sets:

Here below is an example of using duplicate colors in the static set of 12 on a board where I might have several different tag ‘sets’, subsets ontologies/taxonomies.  This color system works as long as I don’t plan on Tag Set 2 crossing with Tag Set 1: i.e. A card that is both “DOING and TECH” would have two purple tags or worse yet “DOING and USERS” which might look at a glance like “USERS and TECH”.   So… admittedly, it would be useful to cross the tag sub groups as that crossing can give you extra intelligence and organizing power.  So the color limitation of 12 starts to feel very constraining.  

The api/sdk allows specifying a tag color in hex code...maybe I’ll experiement over there Perhaps, like all other miro color pallets we could be offered the color picker at the bottom for ‘+ new color’. 



Side note / fun aside reading about organizational ontologies. ‘Tagsonomy’ or ‘folksonomy’ is a term people use to describe a set of tags / categorization that is essentially crowd sourced.  I feel like a large part of working visually with our team(s), as a consultant or internal team lead/facilitator, is working through organizational language and particularly our ontologies. Visual facilitation and ontology development feedback on eachother; co-accelerate.  Being able to draw and label entities, relationships, groups, time, logic, flows and loops and overlaps, help a team sort out their multitudinous perspectives and interpretations of the systems and information being organized. An organizational mental modeling exercise always starts with a robustly-sourced organizational glossary and a group acknowledgement that the glossary is very likely to evolve as a product of the mental modeling session. This is the juicy magic moment for visual leaders: this is the moment the intellectual lenses of the team come into alignment and the laser beam brightens. 

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7271 replies
  • August 18, 2020

I wanted to further test tags and for those who didn’t know, there appears to be a tag limit of 8 per object:


Max Harper
  • Miro Hero
  • 373 replies
  • August 18, 2020

@Rob Johnson   Nice find … yes. 
Yah… doesn’t that seem …a bit arbitrary…?  I mean… I can understand a limit on how many get displayed on the sticky/card perhaps but I can’t think of why limit the number of tags one can own … 
Relatedly - I’d love to learn of a use case where a person/team is tagging individual stickies/notes with more than 8 tags.



  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • August 31, 2020

Hi there,

Just wanted to confirm that by design you can add up to 8 tags to both: stickies and cards.

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • September 4, 2020

How do we request the number of tags be increased? 


Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • September 4, 2020

@youngwolfe -

if you want to add this as a wish list item, please follow the guidelines here: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know 🌠 | Miro



  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • September 5, 2020
Max Harper wrote:

@Rob Johnson   Nice find … yes. 
Yah… doesn’t that seem …a bit arbitrary…?  I mean… I can understand a limit on how many get displayed on the sticky/card perhaps but I can’t think of why limit the number of tags one can own … 
Relatedly - I’d love to learn of a use case where a person/team is tagging individual stickies/notes with more than 8 tags.



I’ve got a use case - thematic literature review genealogy - I need 20 tags at a minimum for citation tracing, more for thematic tracing - perhaps Miro is just not the right tool for this job, but I would really like it to be. 

  • Experienced Community Member
  • 78 replies
  • December 20, 2020
youngwolfe wrote:
Max Harper wrote:

@Rob Johnson   Nice find … yes. 
Yah… doesn’t that seem …a bit arbitrary…?  I mean… I can understand a limit on how many get displayed on the sticky/card perhaps but I can’t think of why limit the number of tags one can own … 
Relatedly - I’d love to learn of a use case where a person/team is tagging individual stickies/notes with more than 8 tags.



I’ve got a use case - thematic literature review genealogy - I need 20 tags at a minimum for citation tracing, more for thematic tracing - perhaps Miro is just not the right tool for this job, but I would really like it to be. 

Look at ClickUp and custom fields.

Disclaimer: I am on a mission for deeper integration between Miro and ClickUp. 

Max Harper wrote:

@Rob Johnson   Nice find … yes. 
Yah… doesn’t that seem …a bit arbitrary…?  I mean… I can understand a limit on how many get displayed on the sticky/card perhaps but I can’t think of why limit the number of tags one can own … 
Relatedly - I’d love to learn of a use case where a person/team is tagging individual stickies/notes with more than 8 tags.



I’m using it for research - each sticky is an observation note, and we use black tags for participants (P1, P2, etc). However, we have also hit this 8 limit without a workaround which seems unreasonable.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • January 18, 2022

There certainly is a tag limitation of 8 per sticky. Which is IMHO unfortunate, because there are many cases where the user may need to use more than 8. I think there should be an unlimited number of tags that can be assigned, which just either resizes the sticky, or becomes a scrollable list, or the like.

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7271 replies
  • January 18, 2022

I suggest that anyone interested in more that 8 tags per sticky note upvotes this idea:
