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Miro got blocked by office network?

  • August 14, 2020
  • 5 replies

Hi guys,

It’s about the network/security restrictions to access Miro.

My client was trying to open Miro boards from their office network, but seems like Miro is blocked so they couldn’t open Miro boards from browser. I’m wondering if Miro is using any specific network protocols, ports ... that may cause any access restrictions? 

Very much appreciated if you have any idea to share.


Best regards,


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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7282 replies
  • August 14, 2020

@Ethan Huang Are you saying that is completely blocked, e.g., they cannot load the Miro homepage to sign in or can they sigh in and see boards in their dashboard, but cannot open them?


Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • August 14, 2020

@Ethan Huang -

I’d be surprised if it is a port-related issue with the firewall - more likely, the site itself is blocked in the firewall rules. I’ve worked with a number of clients who work for banks and invariably their work PCs have difficulties accessing Miro as it has been deemed “not vetted” by their IT security teams.

I’d suggest your client contact their IT support folks first to see if the Miro site is getting blocked…


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  • August 14, 2020

Thank you @Rob Johnson and @Kiron Bondale for your response!

  1. I am sharing the Miro boards by the “Anyone with the link can edit” option, which means they were trying to access the boards as guests from a browser. 
  2. After they click the links I sent to them, there was a pop-up window asking them to enter a password. It is not the Miro password, it is from their office network. So the Miro boards couldn’t be accessed at all by clicking the shared link.
  3. I believe that the “” site is not blocked, because some of them successfully created their own accounts from
  4. Their IT team is trying to help, they found some unusual HTTP requests (the red parts on the attached screenshot) but they couldn’t figure out the root course. They will be happy to work out a solution if they know what caused the issue.
  5. The worst part, the same group of people are able to open some other Miro boards created by someone else without any problem. This is killing me because I was looking at the screenshots they sent to me and I couldn’t find any difference at all!

Thanks again for your help!

Miro access issue


Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • August 14, 2020

@Ethan Huang -

Given that certain Miro boards work and others don’t, is it possible there are some apps or integrations used in your board which might be causing the blocking to occur?

You may wish to use a process of elimination to narrow down the contents of the board to find out what is causing this.

Failing this, Miro support (Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center) would likely be your best bet.


  • Author
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  • 3 replies
  • August 17, 2020

Thank you @Kiron Bondale ! I’ve submitted a request to Miro support.

