I read the Troubleshooting guide and the How to contact Miro support but I can’t find my answer yet. So I am opening this topic.
Okay so here’s the deal. I found a bug, not a big deal (for a user, for an engineer I don’t know ), maybe it’s my browser (I’m on Arc). It really doesn’t bother me, but, obviously, I want to report it to the team.
I’m on a paid plan so I know I can open a ticket, but I also want to earn my points in the community forum . So my question is: ¿Should I post in the community forum (as a bug) or submit a report ticket?
Evidently I don’t want to duplicate the work for the Miro team but I was faced with this internal debate. I’ll leave the description of the bug so you understand my dilemma
Miro Product → Board & Dashboard → Toolbar
Opening the "Chat" while on Video Call, disables video call until the page is refreshed
Please describe your topic as detailed as possible:
I was on a videocall inside Miro, when I noticed that if you open the "Chat", the Video Chat automatically ends. Not only that, it doesn't activate again until I refresh the page.
It has happened in multiple board. The video shows the bug perfectly
I am on Arc Interner Browser. MacBook Pro 2019. MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1 (23E224)

So what should I do next time:
Either post on Community Forum and earn my points
Or sacrifice my points and submit a report ticket directly?
Or maybe I am completely wrong and must re-do my Miro User Support Academy Course
(which I also checked for answers)
pd: I already sumbitted a request ticket (it’s not only for the points)