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Only my boards have been deleted

I’m using Miro as part of a team. I just tried to access both of my boards but found that they have been deleted by its owner. I’m assuming I would be the owner of my boards, but I never deleted them. I asked the admin of the team if they knew what to do but she is also new to miro so could not offer a solution.

I previously posted my Miro boards to our class discussion board, so when i go back to that, it reads: 

Access Denied. You don’t have permission to view this board. 

But after I click to go to the miro site, the message reads: 

Board has been deleted. Sorry, the board that you are trying to access has been deleted by its owner. To access the board, please ask the board owner to restore it. 

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7267 replies
  • October 21, 2023

@Iness - Without any insights into your specific scenario – plan type’s that you are a member of, in which plan you created the boards, etc. – I would speculate that a Team Admin of the team you created the boards in deleted you from the team, at which time you lost ownership of the boards, and the boards were subsequently deleted by the new owner.

Here is a post that outlines some of these scenarios, and some strategies for trying to get your boards back.

How to find (and hopefully recover) a “lost” or “missing” (or delete) board

  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • October 24, 2023

Hi Robert, thank you for your help. 

Since the board was deleted and not simply transferred ownership, I don’t think it would be possible for me to recover it using your tips, especially since I am part of a free plan and don’t have a recently deleted feature. 

Would paying for a paid plan now be helpful? If I pay for a paid membership, would I be able to recover my lost board using the trash bin feature?

  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • October 24, 2023

I’m also thinking, once I pay for a plan, I would be able to email Miro support. Would they be able to recover my deleted work for me?

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7267 replies
  • October 24, 2023

@Iness - As you showed above with the message “please ask the board owner to restore it”, even if did upgrade the Free Plan (which would include paying for all members who are a part of that team, you would not be able to restore the board as only the board owner can restore a deleted board.

While you could email the support team once you are a paid subscriber, it would be quite unlikely that they would transfer ownership of someone else’s board to you.

You could go to the Users page of your plan, get all of the email addresses, and ask everyone to try to open the board and restore it - the owner will see this:


The users page is here:

