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Frame around frames?

Is it possible to add a frame around several other frames to make them a sort of collection and then be able to move just the outer frame? Running a series of workshops, I would like to put a big frame around one lot of workshop frames so they can all be easily moved around, categorised with a title etc. but still on the same board if I want to reference them, and not locked or in a group as I may want to access individual frames for moving. Hope this makes sense - I know you can put a frame around them but the outer frame moves without picking up the inner frames.

Best answer by Isman Tanuri

@Ruth Newnham That's the natural behaviour of the frames, Ruth ie the outer ones won't pick up the inner ones to move along. As far as I know, there's no hack for this.

Alternatively, you can replace the "workshop frames" with shapes, but it won't have the frames' properties and you can't easily export to PDFs that way, similar to what Kiron mentioned.

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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • July 15, 2020

@Ruth Newnham -

Other than grouping the outer frame with the inner ones, I can’t think of a different way to achieve this.

The other challenge with nesting frames if you export your board content to PDFs as a takeaway for your collaborators is that they will end up with multiple PDF pages - one for the parent frame and one for each child frame.


Isman Tanuri
  • Miro Hero
  • 250 replies
  • Answer
  • July 15, 2020

@Ruth Newnham That's the natural behaviour of the frames, Ruth ie the outer ones won't pick up the inner ones to move along. As far as I know, there's no hack for this.

Alternatively, you can replace the "workshop frames" with shapes, but it won't have the frames' properties and you can't easily export to PDFs that way, similar to what Kiron mentioned.

  • Experienced Community Member
  • 78 replies
  • November 10, 2020
Kiron Bondale wrote:

@Ruth Newnham -

Other than grouping the outer frame with the inner ones, I can’t think of a different way to achieve this.

The other challenge with nesting frames if you export your board content to PDFs as a takeaway for your collaborators is that they will end up with multiple PDF pages - one for the parent frame and one for each child frame.


Good info. Thanks!

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • February 26, 2021

This makes sense. However our team have the same problem and hopefully a strong use case for consideration by Miro:

They find nested frames work really well for exploring complex diagrams. They the various working parts within a features in frames and then lay those frames out inside another that shows how the whole thing works.

They’re able to present a view of the the whole system and, using the Frames navigation pane, zoom in and out to focus on key features; keeping it in context with the overall system and perfectly framing it for participants. Every time.

The way the PDF view works means they have a document that displays the whole thing AND gives each feature on its own page.

If we use frames individually, for example side by side, we find our participants lose track of the context. In presentation mode they even get a bit dizzy! We also lose the overview page in the PDF which is frustrating.

Frames within frames works brilliantly –except when they have to move things. All we need for it to be perfect is for frames to recognise and control the frames within them.

How can I go about requesting it?

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • February 26, 2021

@JamesD -

I’d suggest doing a quick search for existing Wish List ideas which have been previously entered but if you can’t find a matching one, then add a new one following the guidelines here: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know 🌠 | Miro


Ravid Aloni
  • Contributor
  • 16 replies
  • July 28, 2021

I also need a frame in frame feature, to allow a better doc structure

  • Beginner
  • 5 replies
  • September 10, 2021

Frame in Frame is critical to making sense of the board. I use frames to group and chapter our the board. It helps to be able to see the overview of a section or collection of frames before diving into each one. Right now they wont nest within each other and there is no layering or ordering that I can do with frames to allow bigger frames to be in the bkg as a container for multiple frames within.

Can we please get frames in frames to organize our boards. I think this is ABSOLUTELY necessary for bigger projects. The value that Miro brings diminishes for me over time because organizing all the individual session in a project become untenable. Even though I choose Miro over Mural due to its inability to handle larger boards. I really miss the organizational features that mural has to help nest or chapter our the board. This really de-values the work that has been done on a project if people can’t organize, navigate, and understand the bigger picture. Please please please look at ways to help us organize our boards with frames within frames. 

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • November 23, 2021

Also, wondering if there is a way to create in the frame option on the left side to have frames within the frames there at least and maybe use an arrow to collapse and expand.

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • November 24, 2021

@Mirowiz123 -

Feel free to upvote this wish list idea:


Kiron Bondale wrote:

@Ruth Newnham -

Other than grouping the outer frame with the inner ones, I can’t think of a different way to achieve this.

The other challenge with nesting frames if you export your board content to PDFs as a takeaway for your collaborators is that they will end up with multiple PDF pages - one for the parent frame and one for each child frame.


I cannot get my outer frame to group with the 5 subframes within it… Never mind - I just figured out if I group all the inner ones first, I can group them with the outer frame :)

as alternative use a table with a simple cell inside the frame, tables rect very much as frames in many areas and can be nested in frames

The only limitation is that tables are a bit buggey as they disable many options, for example re organizing images when selecting several with the top lright icon
