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How can I edit custom templates from other users?

  • December 21, 2022
  • 2 replies

Nacho Cortes

Hi community!


As the title says, I have created many custom templates for my organization but it seems that I am the onliest person who can edit them no matter my team mates roles.

I would like to know if I am doing something wrong or it’s the expected behaviour right now. If that’s the case, how do you handle it? Do you have a shared company account from templates creating, editing…?




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  • Mironeer
  • 121 replies
  • December 23, 2022

Hi @Nacho Cortes!

Currently, only template owners can edit their custom templates in Miro. As a workaround, you can create a template board and share it with the whole team so that all team members can adjust the board content. Does this help?

By the way, if you’d like this ability to be implemented in Miro, I’d suggest that you add this Idea as a feature request in the Wish List category by following the guidelines here: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know. If you do create a Wish List Idea post, I’d also recommend that you post a link to it back here, so that future readers of this post can quickly get to and vote for your Idea.

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7275 replies
  • December 23, 2022

@Nacho Cortes - Because of the limitation @Apollonia has mentioned, I prefer using boards instead of custom templates. Here's a post here I talk a bit of the pros/cons of this approach:
