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Possible to import PPT as an editable document?

  • October 12, 2022
  • 1 reply

I’m new to this and have searched for an answer. Please help if you know the answer. 

We are mid-project, with all documents thus far created in PPT. Someone decided to switch to Miro. Is there a way to upload PPT slides and retain the ability to edit/move the elements on each slide? If not, I will have to recreate all the documentation in Miro format so that past and future elements are consistent, and flexible as results evolve. 

If not possible, for the love of god why not? I can’t be the only person in this bind. 

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  • Mironeer
  • 1 reply
  • October 20, 2022

Hi @Lisa.DiPrete,

Thank you for addressing your question!

I’m afraid it's not yet possible to edit PowerPoint slides in Miro. Sorry about that! However, you may use the workaround of uploading content from Google Drive. See, edit, create, and delete only the specific Google Drive files you use with this app - to have the ability to save a Miro board to Google Drive. For more information please check out this handy article

That being said, we understand how much this can enhance your workflow, and I see you're not alone looking for such feature. A similar Wish List idea was submitted not so long ago: Power Point integration with Miro for live editing slides - feel free to upvote it to raise the awareness to our Product team. Also, don't forget to share your use case in the thread, so we have all the necessary details for the research!

Hopefully, we'll get a chance to make this flow more user-friendly for you in the future 😊
