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Make the most out of your Distributed 2021 Experience!

  • October 18, 2021
  • 7 replies

Colleen Curtis

Welcome, welcome!


We’re thrilled to see all of you at Distributed 2021 this year. 


Here are some tips and tricks to navigate your experience, please feel free to add to this list, chime in, ask questions or tell us how it’s going! 


First, everything you need to plan your days will be in the Hopin agenda.

*Times will be shown in your local timezone.


  1. Choose your “Day 1” start time- you’ll notice we kickoff 19th October at 8am PST, and this 6 hour set will replay 20th October beginning at 8am CEST. This was to ensure that the thought leadership sessions were able to be viewed at times that really worked for you. So no matter where you are in the world, choose the best start time for you! 
    • The 20th October “EMEA replay” also includes interpreters for Spanish and Japanese languages. 
    • We expect thousands to join in on each day, so whatever day you choose -- you’ll be in good company!
  2. Educate to the Max- check out 20th October and 21st October main stage for exclusive Miro Education sessions on topics never-yet released! These are offered 2x throughout the program to ensure as many Miro Learners as possible can join, there’s something for everyone! These will play on the main stage and are open to all. 
  3. Get Interactive - in 20th October and 21st October agenda, browse the sessions you are most excited about. With over 25 interactive workshops and opportunities, this is where the Miro magic comes to life with peers around the world.
    • Please note that many of the interactive sessions are limited to 400 max participants so please join in on time to ensure you can participate. Session maxed out? No worries, there are multiple sessions offered at each time slot so just choose another… 

The most important thing to remember is to connect, enjoy and hopefully learn something new that sparks your creative process. From all of us here at Miro, we are so excited to kick off Distributed 2021 with you, for you, because of you. 

Have friends and colleagues interested in joining? Please invite them, we’ll be accepting registrations throughout the event -- so whether you join for 1 or all, we are excited to have you with us! 


See you there! 




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7 replies

Kevin Kinisky
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 65 replies
  • October 18, 2021

@Colleen Curtis  do you know if the workshops will also be recorded for replay for those who cannot attend? 


Colleen Curtis
  • Author
  • Active Contributor
  • 129 replies
  • October 18, 2021

Hi @Kevin Kinisky some of them will! Due to the live and interactive nature, not all of them will be recorded and shared later. But some certainly will :) 

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • October 19, 2021

Miro has been a life (and job) saver for me but in person we experience all 5 senses. How do we compensate for the lack of touch and smell and even taste (remember snacks at meetings?)?

Alexis Luscutoff
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 58 replies
  • October 21, 2021

@Pamela Fox you raise an interesting point! I think the truth is, we can’t fully compensate for all 5 senses. But perhaps it’s about making the most of the situation at hand and asking ourselves - given these constraints & the technology available, what can we do to give ourselves what we need to connect, create, play, and more?...Aw I do remember snacks at meetings - how wild that it feels like a memory, almost like orange slices at soccer games growing up...I’m reminded of early in the pandemic when we all tried to recreate in-person experiences on Zoom - so many virtual happy hours! - and realized we just kept being tired and disappointed, so we did away with a lot of that. Now we’ve acclimated and we’re in a place where we can try to do the best we can with what we’ve got - and I think Miro can be a big help. In fact, I recommend checking out this session: Making Moments in Miro: from Mischievous to Momentous! The session leaders, @Joshua William Davies and @Isman Tanuri have mastered creating genuine play and FUN in virtual meetings and I’m so excited for what they’re going to show us! 

Isman Tanuri
  • Miro Hero
  • 250 replies
  • October 21, 2021

@Alexis Luscutoff @Pamela Fox Love the perspective, Alexis. So true, if we expect virtual to be the same as physical, then we’re going to be disappointed. Bringing back a point I made earlier at the session: “What can we do that is within our control and not worry about the things we cannot control” #stoicism #makethemostofit

And to your other point, I have had many client participants who had rather be attending (and enjoying) virtual sessions because Miro has enabled so much more engagement, participation and deep learning. Ironically, in-person events may not always be the most engaging and participative (I’ve been to many where the highlight was free coffee.)


  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • October 25, 2021

Hello Colleen
Although I was keen, I wasn’t able to pull myself up in the middle of the night.

Have the recordings become available somewhere?

Hope you had a wonderful time at the conference


  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • October 25, 2021

Hi @Deb Polson, thank you! And no worries :blush:

Recordings will be made available quite soon (except Priya Parker and Deloitte, which were live only). Please stay tuned, we’ll post all the links here in the community :wink:
