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New email for Educational Plan

  • March 16, 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi. I have changed my work place from one school to another one. I don’t have an access to my work email anymore. I would like to use my new work email for signing in my Miro account and keep the educational plan with all the boards I have right now. Is it possible?

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7276 replies
  • March 17, 2024

@Aliya Akimkhanova 

I don’t have an access to my work email anymore.

If you can still sign into Miro using the old email address, you still have a few options.



Download backups of the board (for import into another paid or Education Plan)

This is the first thing I would recommend doing, in case any of the following ideas don’t work, or result in you being locked out of your old profile.

Following the How to save board backup help center article to download backups of any boards that you want to continue to have access to.

With these backups downloaded and in a safe place, let’s try a few things.


Change your Miro account profile email address

Probably the easiest thing to do now is to follow the steps in the How to change your email help center article to update your Education Plan account profile to your new work email.

IMPORTANT: Do this from a browser!

While reviewing the How to change your Miro profile email help center article, it mentions a confirming email being sent to the NEW email address, which is what we want considering your no loner have access to the old email address. However, it also states that if you initiate the email address change from a Miro app, you may need to confirm the change through your current/old email address, which is what you DO NOT want to happen.

More on this here:


Here is a link to the above article:


Adding your new email address as a Team Member on the old Education Plan

If you are unable to change your email address as per the last set of steps, but still have access to your old account, you could try adding your new address as a team Member on your Education Plan, and then, as the old owner/email address user, i.e., Team Admin, you could try Leaving your team at which point you should be prompted to choose a new Team Admin for your Education Plan, as which point you would choose your new Miro account profile user as the new Team Admin.

Note: This used to be the process as this used to be in the FAQ of the Education Plan help center article, but is has since been removed:

12. How can I transfer ownership of my Education account?- You can leave the team and promote another user to admin. Open Team profile, scroll down, and click Leave team. You will see the option to choose a new admin. Select a user and press Leave. Note that you will lose access to the account and your boards that belong to it.


So, it may or may not work.


Please let us know how you made out, or if you have any questions.
