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Presentation Mode: Remember my creation tools preferences

Related products:Presentation
  • Robert Johnson
    Robert Johnson
  • BurtyC
  • Sarah Hallam

Robert Johnson

Currently, when I start a Presentation (board or frames), and I toggle creation tools off, the next time I start a presentation, this choice has been forgotten and I need to toggle off creation tools again.

Similarly, if I keep the creation tools toggled on, but select all apps/tools, the next time I start a presentation, these preferences have been lost.

The behaviour appears to be one mode/configuration for all users, all of the time. I would like my preferences to be remembered at the user level, i.e., for any board that I am on  and start presentation mode.

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2 replies

Love this… it would be great to be able to save multiple profiles for the different stages we work in: creating, editing, presenting and such like 😃

Hi @Robert Johnson! Thanks so much for taking the time to submit this idea. Our team has reviewed this and it’s open for votes and comments. 


For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for you or your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request!


Thank you again for helping make Miro better!

Miro Community Team
