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Import a timeline from Microsoft Project Pro for us on MIRO board.

  • January 28, 2021
  • 6 replies

I am building a MIRO board for a project and one way to keep the team on track is to include the timeline. As a project manager I'd love to import the timeline from Microsoft Project Pro so that I am not duplicating my work. Currently all I can do is put a screenshot of my timeline in a frame on MIRO. So I have to update it manually any time I make changes to the MPP doc.

Ideally I’d import the timeline and be able to link from major milestones/deliverables to the document associated with that milestone/deliverable.

Is there an app or plugin in the works for Microsoft Project Pro? 

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6 replies

I would also like to know how to embed MS Project into Miro.. any tips would be great!

I have the same wish! :) This would be great. 

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • October 27, 2023

A warm +1 from me! 

I would really appreciate a link between MS Project (online) and miro to embed the current timeline. The miro board could then serve as a kind of project dashboard!

Same +1 from me too.

Miro is a great tool to visualize work. integration with microsoft projectonline will be super helpful for me and my team. 

  • Mironeer
  • 1676 replies
  • September 27, 2024

Hi everyone,


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and share feedback about this feature. Our team is reviewing this idea and will follow up if there are any updates we can share. Thank you for your patience and commitment to making Miro better!


  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • December 17, 2024

I would like to export a created Miro Timeline to MS Project so I can an import it to teams to track tasks. As mentioned in an above listed comment it would save time of duplicating a schedule
