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Meet Jake Knapp– Author, Co-Founder & Miro Talktrack Adviser

  • September 20, 2023
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Meet Jake Knapp– Author, Co-Founder & Miro Talktrack Adviser

Meet Jake one of our Talktrack advisers as they share the backstory, development process, use cases, valuable insights, and tips and tricks for leveraging this new feature.


👤 Name: Jake Knapp

🏢 Role: Author of "Sprint", Co-founder of Character Capital, Advisor at Miro

📍 Location: Orcas Island, USA

🙏 Favorite Miro Feature: Talktrack!


Let’s hear more about Jake and how he helped advise Miro in developing our newest interactive video feature, Talktrack!


What was it like working with Miro?

Super fun! The people at Miro are very welcoming, and of course, it's a blast to work on software that I use every day.


What are some Templates you use that better help you use Miro? 

I'm recording "how-to" guides on my templates so that I can help the person who's leading or facilitating. When I record these videos, I like to think of myself as Obi-Wan Kenobi talking to Luke Skywalker.


Check out my Design Sprint template in the Miroverse and watch me use Talktrack to show you how to use it: Design Sprint Template by Jake Knapp


What new Talktrack functionality are you most excited to try out?

I'd like to try doing a Design Sprint asynchronously, where each person participated via Talktrack, just to see how collaboration and decision-making works when you can't speak at the same time. Probably challenging, possibly really great!


What’s next with you Jake?

I'm always working on a top-secret project, but right now I'm working on TWO top-secret projects. 🤫🤫 Sign up for my newsletter on to find out when they're done!




Discover more About Jake Knapp and how he uses Miro here!

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