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streamline sign-on process especially for SSO

Related products:Account & Billing
  • November 24, 2021
  • 6 replies

Our company just switched our Miro account to SSO and accessing my content got harder - particularly since we get signed out after a couple hours. 


Request: implement as many of these as is feasible based on security requirements

  1. Remember how I normally log in from this browser or app -- don’t make me click on “sign on with SSO” every time
  2. Remember my email address for SSO for as long as possible, even if that is just a day -- so I don’t have to enter my email address multiple times per day
  3. Automatically trigger the customer’s SSO, where I may also have to enter credentials -- so that I can get to my Miro content as quickly as possible (and if I’m on my VPN I don’t need to do anything)
  4. Encourage your customers to have longer idle time limits configured
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Improving SSO, would be really helpful. In my company this is currently seen as a major obstacle of using miro, at all.

Issues that we face:

  • Redirection from the app to the browser is really slow and sometimes hangs up completely.
  • Sometimes passwords are needed sometimes not and it is not clear why.

Whishes we have:

  • storing the e-mail address would be great
  • configuring SSO as default log-in that shows up directly when opening the app (ideally the SSO providers page) would be amazing 

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • February 10, 2022

The SSO process for this app feels outdated compared to others we use that have a one-click process. Our IT requires a 15 min timeout, so the act of logging in happens quite a bit throughout the day, so a faster process would be very helpful.

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  • March 26, 2022

Agreed, this is such a pain. We are frequently logged out, and every time I have to log in it’s a multiple-click process: 

  1. Go to and go to the non-SSO login screen
  2. Select the “Login with SSO” to go to the SSO login screen
  3. Type in my email or select it from recently used emails
  4. Click the Log in button and get re-directed to a new page

Given enterprise timeouts, I have to repeat this multiple times per day.

Users who use Miro less often have to do it every time they want to use a board, and get confused by being prompted with the “wrong” login screen. 

We are all on the company VPN at all times, and I would expect to not have to login at all, but simple go to and “be logged in” automatically. 

This is the behavior I experience with our other cloud applications. 

Exactly all of this! Please fix this! It's such a deterrent to using Miro boards the way I was before. I'm back to using physical whiteboards and sending people photos of them because right now it's less awkward. I have cognitive challenges that make "small” nuisance interactions in software tools especially harmful to my productivity. The more steps involved in getting to the resource I need, the less accessible that resource is for folks like myself. 

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  • 1 reply
  • April 9, 2024

Another problem is when opening a board link, and your SSO timed out you’re not prompted to re-sign in, but instead the only option is to use a board password (which means you enter as a guest) or to sign up. Why?! Everytime I have to manually enter the standard Miro URL to be prompted to continue my SSO session. Super annoying.

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and share feedback about this feature. Our team is reviewing this idea and will follow up if there are any updates we can share. Thank you for your patience and commitment to making Miro better!


Miro Community Team
