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Using Miro Boards with Academy Members

  • October 14, 2020
  • 8 replies

Chris Hawk

Summary: I have a use case in which I’m trying to figure out the workflow, perhaps the community can assist. I have an academy of 700 students in which I want to use miro boards to teach.

There will be a main board which will have comments activated and they can view videos. 

I want to allow the students to download or use the board as a template of their own so they can make custom edits for their own learning as they follow along with the tutorials. (not collaborative) 

This template board will be a tool for them as they learn but also a resource they can use for support in the future. It’s important that each student works on their own board in their own miro account.


Problem: I have tried to share boards but the students do not have the ability to save a board to their own miro account for editing. 

I do not want to add each student as a team member for I don’t think this is a very cost effective way to use miro.  

I have saved boards to my account from other boards I found in the learning center or miroverse so I know it’s possible without being a team member of another company.


Please let me know if anyone has ideas of a workflow to duplicate boards for each student in my academy.  


Thank you in advance,


Chris Hawk

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Isman Tanuri
  • Miro Hero
  • 250 replies
  • October 14, 2020

Hey @Chris Hawk  You can create a personal and named learning space for all the students in a single board. You can provide them with Guest access that will not cost you anything since you already have a paid account. However, building 700 spaces for 700 students in a single space may be a challenge. Also, you can’t have more than 400 persons on the same board at the same time.

Option 2: You can easily create that learning space in a board and not lock anything. Keep that board in Edit mode. Your students can copy everything on the board and paste the elements in their own personal boards.

Chris Hawk
  • Author
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  • 5 replies
  • October 14, 2020

I understand the guest learning and at this point I want them to use my board as their own private workspace by copying it into their account. I don’t want others to mark up their board. This is their canvas, their creation and very personal. 

to my understanding you cannot copy from one board to another if outside of a team or company/project. 

I’m not sure why I was able to use other people’s boards and save them as a copy template in my account yet I can’t do that for my students. 🤔 


thank you for the reply, hopefully there’s a way to do this efficiently and effectively. 

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7273 replies
  • October 14, 2020

@Chris Hawk - As we know, Free Plan members do not have the option to Upload from backup, so they cannot import your .rtb board.

And, I suppose that you don’t want to create 700 boards with Anyone with the link → Can edit and send those links to 700 individual students (I don’t blame you if you don’t want to do that).

One option that would work, which I just tested with my paid → free plan account, is

  1. You set your board’s Share settings to Anyone with the link → Can edit (with an optional password), and do this with a copy of the board, of course - not your only copy.
  2. Email the link to your students and ask that they:
    1. Open the board, use Ctrl + A select all board contents
    2. Ctrl + C to copy all contents to their clipboard
    3. Open a board in their Free Plan account
    4. Ctrl + V to paste your board contents into their board.

A few caveats:​​​​​​

  • The board is in edit mode, so you risk one of them disrupting it.
  • Any locked objects will not be selected when using Ctrl + A and, therefore, would not be copied over - the user would need to select this individually and copy and paste one at a time.

Chris Hawk
  • Author
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  • 5 replies
  • October 14, 2020

@Robert Johnson,


Thank you for that concept. I tested this as well but the major downfall is the possibility of users modifying the board prior to copying the content. This will certainly happen for they will be new to Miro and it’s easy to accidentally click and change items when you’re first learning.


There must be a way since the miroverse is an example of this functionality, I’m just not sure how to offer this same feature to my students.  


Still stumped but committed to finding a solution. :thinking:


Chris Hawk

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7273 replies
  • October 14, 2020

@Chris Hawk - Gonna ponder this some more as I rake the leaves...

Chris Hawk
  • Author
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  • 5 replies
  • October 14, 2020

@Robert Johnson, Thanks brother. I also submitted a support request to further outline the challenge.



Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7273 replies
  • October 15, 2020

@Chris Hawk - okay, I had a thought. @JeremyJ: is something that could work for Chris?

It's a site that Jeremy created to for people to upload and share templates. However, I'm not sure if it will add templates directly to Miro accounts using the API, or if it would is a place to for people to download .rtb Miro board files, in which case your students could would not be able to import it to a Free Plan team. 

  • Mironeer
  • 52 replies
  • December 29, 2020

Hi @Chris Hawk! Now board owners on the TeamConsultantBusiness, and Education plans can configure board content settings and define which groups of users can save a copy of the board to their accounts. Hope this solves your issue! :) 
