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Import data into mind map

Related products:Mapping & DiagrammingApps & Integrations



Are you able to import data from a spreadsheet into a mind map? for example if the spreadsheet was construct in such a way that each cell could create a new child node?


Also if this data was in excel online or google sheets, could this auto update?

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Lena Shenkarenko
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 97 replies
  • March 23, 2020
Richard wrote:



Are you able to import data from a spreadsheet into a mind map? for example if the spreadsheet was construct in such a way that each cell could create a new child node?


Also if this data was in excel online or google sheets, could this auto update?

Hi Richard! Not at this point, unfortunately. Can you tell me a little bit more about your use case? 

  • Author
  • New Here
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  • March 25, 2020

This was so that may I could create a mutli-column spreadsheet and each column would relate to a new child node. A new row would be a new parent node.

The export functionality could follow the same format.

This was really to speed up the process of adding updates to mind map if it has been created in a system outside of Miro.



  • New Here
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  • October 22, 2020

This would be a really handy feature. I have a long list I wanted to add to a mind map, however I have to add it all manually. Its extremely arduous. 

I have just started to use Miro, and I love it. I am visually oriented and Miro makes it easy for me to create boards where I can see things the way I need to—so I can get some work done.

One important way this happens is when I am presented with a bulleted list of a dozen or more items that came to me via email or a web page, and which I need to organize or prioritize or filter. I find lists like this virtually indigestible—they overload my... visual cortex, I guess... and are therefore extremely difficult to parse.

I use a Mac, and am used to using apps that let you import this kind of information as a more manageable list or even as a mind map. That’s a lot easier than copying and pasting them one by one into a mind map in Miro.

It’s worth the effort, however, because Miro is otherwise so capable. But it adds friction to the process. Friction that doesn’t really seem necessary.

Just endorsing the need for this functionality… I am regularly taking lists of data (as bulleted text and as cells in a spreadsheet) to organise, sort and synthesis….

I have to hop back to MindNode to be able to do this :(

Related to


Import / export of a tree/graph in either xml, opml or some delimited list/spreadsheet / csv - like what is essentially this request - would make mindmaps substantially more useful.

  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • March 21, 2021

I’d love this import feature.


I’m currently wanting to create a mind map about a book I’m reading and I wanted to paste in or import the list of 60 chapters so they’d each be main nodes off the root one.

  • New Here
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  • September 21, 2021

I’d love this feature too.

Here’s our use case: we’re creating lists of application page names in spreadsheets for some audiences and an information architecture diagram in Miro using Mind map for others. If we could import the spreadsheets into the mind map it would remove a lot manual effort that feels like a double up of the task.

Three or four tiers of nodes as columns in the spreadsheets would be great.

Hi all,


Sorry to relauch this topic.


I have the same question about importing data into mind map tool.

1 year after, did you have the opportunity to work on this feature?



I would also love this option but in reverse. I’d like to be able to build a tree that populates a spreadsheet, and keep it live as well.

This and offline mode are my 2 biggest feature requests

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • January 18, 2022

Importing data into mind maps is a crucial function. Does it now exist?

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • January 26, 2022

I need to import xml files to create a site map and research taxonomies.  Does this exist yet?

Hi, just adding my comment to the list of follow ups… Does this exist yet, or is there a place to upvote it?

  • New Here
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  • December 7, 2022

I was looking for the vaguely the thing, how to import a spreadsheet of data into Miro. Having not found an import option, I tried selecting a column of data in my spreadsheet and pasting it into Miro, and I was given an option to paste as a table or paste as stickies! So I chose stickies and every cell in my table was given its own sticky. Not a mind map like you’re asking for but this is close enough for me! (And maybe there is a way to convert stickies into mind map nodes?)

  • New Here
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  • January 10, 2023

Another use case: importing survey data for interactive scatter plots.


You could have a CSV containing e.g. three columns:

  • x-coordinate on a scatterplot
  • y-coordinate on a scatterplot
  • string of characters (e.g. name, or a response to a question)

This CSV could then be imported into Miro, to end up with a scatterplot where each point is a sticky containing qualitative material. The placement in the coordinate system would help a team to organise the data; they could then take the stickies, move them around, group them differently, etc. in the process of making sense of a dataset.

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • August 3, 2023

Using this as upvote - I would also love this feature - I need to maintain a taxonomy in Excel and want to visualize it as a tree structure in Miro. 

  • Beginner
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  • August 15, 2023

With no import or export functionality, the otherwise beautiful mind mapping tool is somewhat pointless.  Can't really use it for anything other than casual mini mind maps.

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • August 15, 2023

Currently, the Export functionality for CSV just flattens all the nodes into a single column, which is hardly an “Export”.  Weird, lackluster implementation TBH.

I’m actually surprised that this isn’t the first option when creating nodes.  Is there any workaround?  Creating a list of nodes from your own list will make this a real mind mapping tool. It’s so close to being the best tool in my arsenal but I’m not going to spend hours manually filling out nodes.  Please add this? 


  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • April 3, 2024

Please please create an import function for common mindmap formats. Your mind maps look great but are kind of useless until I can import and export. I think it is great that they are collapsable now but to manually create mindmaps from scratch is just horrible workflow. 

“With no import or export functionality, the otherwise beautiful mind mapping tool is somewhat pointless.  Can't really use it for anything other than casual mini mind maps.”

  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • September 17, 2024

Is data import even on the roadmap?

4 year old idea and zero response?


  • Mironeer
  • 922 replies
  • September 17, 2024

Hi everyone, 

Thanks so much for taking the time to submit this idea. We appreciate all the feedback and details about the use cases. 

Our team is reviewing this, and it is open for votes and comments. For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request!

Since Miro doesn’t do this yet, does anyone know anywhere that does. 


@Miro i reckon this is a good example of customing your tools to ND folk. We think in mind maps :)

This would be useful for building visual website sitemaps. Here is a related thread: Import XML sitemap file to generate a visual sitemap in Miro automatically | Miro 

  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • March 17, 2025

please add!
