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Copy/edit objects by reference / instance

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Is it possible to create an instance of another element or a group, where if you edit one of them, the other will change as well ?


For example if you’re creating a website UI flow board, you want to have a header on each page (frame), where each menu item is linked to a particular Frame and if you want to change that header on one of them, you’d want them all to change, not having to manually make that same change for all of them


Thank you.


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Hi @tengotengo

+1 This is what I am looking for as well but it seems worryingly quiet! I hoped the template functionality might do this but I can’t seem to get it to work in this way. I am a designer and most apps I use these days i.e. Sketch/Illustrator etc. have ‘Symbols’ to facilitate this. You can create a template, modify it at source and all instances of that ‘symbol’ would update across your art boards.

I am creating wireframes that use a lot of tables so it’s an incredible time-sink without this :( I hope there’s some news from support or the community on this soon. Otherwise I am really loving Miro.



Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • August 4, 2020

@tengotengo -

I don’t believe there’s any out of the box Miro functionality to enable this but it might be feasible via custom development using the API…


Thanks @Kiron Bondale I am sure you are correct. One tends to use wireframes to save dev time so that’s quite ironic!

Appreciate your time :smiley:

  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • August 5, 2020
tengotengo wrote:


Is it possible to create an instance of another element or a group, where if you edit one of them, the other will change as well ?


For example if you’re creating a website UI flow board, you want to have a header on each page (frame), where each menu item is linked to a particular Frame and if you want to change that header on one of them, you’d want them all to change, not having to manually make that same change for all of them


Thank you.


+1 from me also. This is a standard feature of which has several features in common with Miro. Being a desktop-only app seems to permit it to offer many powerful tricks that Miro does not (yet) have, however being a desktop-only app it is not so easy to share work. Instance-replication would be a fantastic Miro feature.

Markus Smet
  • Miro Hero
  • 35 replies
  • April 16, 2021

In the meantime give my plugin a try, it allows you to sync widgets on a single board - this includes Notes, Text, Cards, Lines and Shapes :

Markus Smet wrote:

In the meantime give my plugin a try, it allows you to sync widgets on a single board - this includes Notes, Text, Cards, Lines and Shapes :

Such an invaluable addition to Miro. Kudos for that!

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • September 6, 2021

Hi @Markus Smet, I can’t find the plugin in the marketplace. Has it been renamed or pulled down? Thanks.

Markus Smet
  • Miro Hero
  • 35 replies
  • September 6, 2021

@PeterM It’s been removed from the marketplace, we are working on a new version and are about 70% complete.

  • Beginner
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  • September 7, 2021
Markus Smet wrote:

@PeterM It’s been removed from the marketplace, we are working on a new version and are about 70% complete.

@Markus Smet cool, thanks for the update

+1 from me too. Would love a =reference similar to Excel in Miro so multiple instructions don’t have to be copy-pasted in large workshop boards. 

This would really help to have different views of the same ideas (e.g. tabular roadmap, node-link-diagram arranged by some other criteria). I loved this in Inkscape and used it all the time).

Markus Smet wrote:

@PeterM It’s been removed from the marketplace, we are working on a new version and are about 70% complete.

The new version seems great - awesome work!! Unfortunately, my company doesn’t allow me to add it to our Miro boards. I wish this became native feature in Miro!

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • August 21, 2022

I add my voice to the request. Mirroring among boards would definitely be helpful.

If not intricate levels of this features (eg. same object different sizes), at least creating a frame where everything that happens inside changes in all the frame mirrors would be amazing.


I personally have planning contents that should be present across different boards and is a mess to manually update all of them.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • November 16, 2022

+1 Would be very helpful for me too

+10000 This would be a super helpful feature -- it would be great for updating presentation dates and keeping a board up to date in general

Looking for the same feature. BTW. link is not working. And I can’t find this plugin anywhere. 


+1 for this. My use case would be to have multiple instances of a card object, so I can use the same card in different views. Ex.: Have an opportunity/solution tree board with project initiative cards related to opportunities and high-level objectives, and have the same initiative cards in a roadmap board, and also in a prioritization matrix board. Details and evidences that support each initiative could be added as the card description, along with assignee and status. It would help to keep everything synced, since these things tend to change over time.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • February 20, 2023

Is there any development of this? 


That would be a true differentiation of Miro that would allow converting more users in paying users in organizations such ours.

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  • February 24, 2023


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  • February 24, 2023

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  • August 1, 2023


  • New Here
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  • August 2, 2023

I need this tool too!

  • Contributor
  • 11 replies
  • September 28, 2023

@Markus Smet Can you please update us on what happened to Carbon Copy? Clicking Connect shows “Failed to retrieve info for application 3074457362254861860” 😢


  • Beginner
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  • January 5, 2024

