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Create / add the role of a facilitator (rights between owner and editor)

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Soumyadeep Mandal
  • Soumyadeep Mandal
    Soumyadeep Mandal


A “facilitator” role is an essential feature for every setup where 

  • the owner of a board is not also the facilitator of a workshop where a board is being used
  • more than one person is (co-)facilitating a workshop that uses a board
  • more than one designer is involved in creating / preparing a board for a workshop

Especially the “hide/unhide” frame option - if used - currently prevents any board from being used by anyone else than the owner.  

As long as there can be only one “owner” with the editing rights associated to this role, every setup that includes “team work” or “division of labor” on the creator side of a board would need this additional role of a “facilitator”, mainly to

  • allow facilitators to unhide frames the creator (owner) of the board did hide
  • allow facilitators to unlock objects that cannot be (accidentally) unlocked by (guest) editor

There are many additional rights a facilitator might enjoy over (guest) editors, including access to certain objects like frames, to prevent newbie-users to mess up a board by accidentally adding content to the board that they should not / did not intend to add. For some ideas on this, please look

I understand that changing the roles might be a major intervention. But as more and more people (and teams) use Miro, this extension to the rights management would remove some painful restrictions to internal workflows of any team (not single users) that works with Miro boards on their client’s projects.

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We use one board for one team with different moderators. The idea is that not only the owner of a board can hide frames or start votings. Therefore other board members should also have the possibility to moderate the board with the same rights as the owner.


Detlef Hoefer wrote:

We use one board for one team with different moderators. The idea is that not only the owner of a board can hide frames or start votings. Therefore other board members should also have the possibility to moderate the board with the same rights as the owner.


That is very important! 

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • May 17, 2021

The “facilitator” role is starting to become pretty critical with the new features that Miro is introducing.  We have trainers who run our events for us, but we do not want to hand over ownership of the boards they are using (which is irreversable, after all - you can’t take ownership back).

However, we do want them to be able to:

  1. Use hide/show frame.
  2. Unlock “double-locked” frames.
  3. Copy objects (ctrl-c, ctrl-v) between boards.

Point 3 is the one I hit today; I’d like to give our trainers/facilitators permission to do this without having to grant every team member the permission to do this (which also includes the permission to download boards etc.).

Adding the extra role level will make it possible to control permissions better for trainers/facilitators who are not owners.

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7249 replies
  • June 30, 2021

  • Active Contributor
  • 32 replies
  • July 7, 2021

@Robert Johnson - this is great news; credit to the Miro team for reacting to this feature discussion.  I’ve had a look at the co-owner feature and it bridges some of the gaps we’ve discussed in this thread, but not all of them.

What we could really do with is more granular control over what is allowed for a role.  As an example, it seems odd that in order to give a user permission to use the protected lock and to show/hide frames, we also have to grant permission to share the board with others, download the board, change permissions so others can download and copy the board.

That’s an awful lot of permissions that we have to grant in order to provide use of the protected lock and show/hide frame features.

Fredrik Wendt

This is great news, our LMS can now setup boards for our instructions where they can facilitate freely, without having to “pass me the owner token” between segments.

Fredrik Wendt

Turns out the REST API doesn’t accept “coowner” (it returns that information when asking for board members, but user connections can’t be changed to “coowner” via the API).

  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • September 28, 2021

Hi everyone,

We’ve recently introduced a new role - Board Co-owner

Co-owner is a role that allows Board owners to share responsibilities of preparing and facilitating collaboration, whether it’s a live session or asynchronous. Co-owners can perform almost all the actions available for a Board owner, from managing board settings to hiding and revealing content - from now on, you will always have a backup in case the Board owner is unavailable. Learn how you can activate the role and invite Co-owners to your boards and projects.

Please note that this feature is only available on Enterprise and Consultant plans.

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7249 replies
  • September 28, 2021

@Marina - Are there plans to expand this to all paid plans?

  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • September 29, 2021

@Robert Johnson, I don’t have any updates about this at the moment, but we’ll let you know if we plan to expand this functionality.


Joining here: we use one board as a team  for everything: planning, daily work, demos and retros. 
I prepare the retro format ahead, but could not hide these frames as I am only editor
