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Tell us about the situation when you had to get ready for the meeting in 5 min


OMG, a meeting starts in five minutes, and I haven’t created a board for it yet! :scream::cold_sweat::fearful:


It happens to the best of us! :relieved:

Tell us about the situation when you had to get ready for the meeting and create a Miro board for it in no time.


By the way, there’s a brand new course in the Miro Academy - Meeting ready in 5 minutes
This is where you can learn how to architect a board that will drive alignment and outcomes - all in less than 5 minutes.


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Alexis Luscutoff
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 58 replies
  • August 20, 2021

Haha this is such a familiar feeling! I default to the simple shapes, colors, and stickies when I’m in a pinch. I’m not a designer (hehe just ask @Marina, @Helena Brandist, and @Natalie Larino :joy:), but I find that the right combination of colors can make the right information pop & as long as I have enough space and the right conversation prompts, a great brainstorm or discussion can still happen. 

Reid Thomas
  • Miro Hero
  • 39 replies
  • August 20, 2021

Seems like a prime use case for a template lol

  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • September 6, 2021

Wednesday morning - 8:25 AM my office phone rings:

“Mr. Landers today the teacher of our goup of educational professionals is ill - could you do the classes for him.”

Shortly I recall if I have enough material that I can use - and my answer to my boss is:
“Yes, I will do so.”

I start my miro board with my already created template:

(In former times I’ve greated a template out of 3 boards weeks ago to summ up my results) 

I open template and place it into my board:

8:27 AM

I open Webex - Login into the plattform.

8:30 AM: “Good morning everybody - I am your substitute today and I will today guide you through the day”

I start screensharing - They are looking into my miro-board.

“The lesson today is:  TZI based group model  by the Psychotherapist Ruth C. Cohn and what can you do with it if you work with groups of seniors and children.”

The board and the describtion of the day can be found here:

So the work with templates could save your day - It saved mine!


If you have got more time:

  • You could also open some of your former lessons you created in other classes
  • copy the content
  • place it into a new board
  • structure the frames into a new order that you need
  • clean up your content boards from the old content you created with the former group
  • of course name the board with an unique name for this new group
  • maybe you can use the breaks to add / edit additonal content




  • Author
  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • September 7, 2021

What a turnaround! Thanks for sharing, @mlanders. Custom templates indeed save time :point_up_tone1:

I think the main thing in such a situation is not to start panicking :grin:  
