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Miroverse Monday: brainstorming, ideation, visual research and more

Helena Brandist

Hi everyone :blush:


Welcome to another Miroverse Monday update:heart: This week we have 5 new templates to share with you :tada:


:bulb:Uncover Motivations 1:1 by Bunch AI Leadership Coach is a process to help you find out what motivates your team members in your 1:1s


Uncover Motivations 1:1 by Bunch AI Leadership Coarch

:dizzy:Personal Map by Indigo Health can be used with your team to start a conversation in a structured way!


:balloon: Business Ideation Jam by MING Labs will help you and your (client) team ideate around novel product and service ideas - in an energizing, creative and yet structured way.


Business Ideation Jam by MING Labs


:large_orange_diamond:Swim Lane Diagram with Data by NEXT LEVEL Partners is a fundamental tool to any transactional process improvement. The insights that you will gain while building this diagram as a team can be exceptionally meaningful.


:blue_circle: Visual Evidence by Cocomore includes interactive, visual methods for qualitative remote research.


Let us know what you think in the comments, submit your own template to Miroverse & stay tuned for more next week!




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