Article: Taking back control of your Free Plan team

  • 11 March 2022
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Throughout my nearly two years on the Community forum, there have multiple posts where someone’s Free Plan team has gotten out of control, e.g., multiple un-wanted team members added, junk boards causing important boards to be view-only due to the 3-editable board limit, or maybe there was only one Team Admin and that person has left the company (in which case, depending on the setup, no new members can be added).

Here are a few scenarios and how to resolve them.

Table of Contents

​​​​​​​Delete unwanted Boards (or users!)

While only a board owner can delete the board they created, a Team Admin can delete that user, assign their content to themselves, and then delete the content. This approach will also work if, for example, the board owner set the board’s Team access to View only - delete the user and take control of the board. You can always add this user back if need be.


Creating a new Team and migrate all boards/users to that team

If there was only one Team Admin and they (or their account/email address) is no longer available, your only option is to create a new Free Plan team and move all boards/users to team - here’s how:

  1. Have one team member create a new Miro account using an email address they have never used with Miro before. Call the team name “NEW TEAM”.
  2. 📨Communicate the change – Before you start adding users and moving boards, you may want to give all of the team members a heads up to stay our of their Miro boards.
  3. You may also find it useful to change the name of the team that you are leaving to something very obviously not the team to use moving forward, e.g., “X X” (putting a space between the two x’s will result in the team space icon in people’s dashboard being “XX”. Another option is to change the team space’s icon to a big red X or do not enter symbol.
  4. Once you have done this, change the new team’s name from “NEW TEAM” to the name of the team you were all using before.
  5. Next, they add all required members from the current team to the new team.
  6. THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP → They should promote at least one other person to the role of Team Admin!
    1. An even better solution could be to have your IT support staff create a generic email address, e.g., miroadmin@yourorg[dot]com, and add that email and promote them to Team Admin. Or even broader, an email address called appadmin@yourorg[dot]come.
  7. Now all board owners can move their boards to the new team.
  8. Because only a board owner can move a board, if you are not the owner of the board, e.g., the old Team Admin, simply duplicate the board at which point you will be the owner of the duplicate - then move the duplicate.
  9. Once all the boards have been moved, everyone can leave the old team, leaving only the previous Team Admin there along with any boards they were the owner of.

As a bonus, when moving a board between teams, the URL remains the same (but changes if you duplicated the board).

With the steps above, it is technically possible to create as many Free Plans as you have email addresses available to you and amalgamate them onto one Miro account profile (or at least it is at the time I post this).

3 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

@Robert Johnson - This is a real-world and practical solution.  Thanks for posting.

@Robert Johnson  Thanks for the post. I´m traying to do what you have explain but have a problem. The free Miró group where I have saved my boards is full, it doesn´t accept more members so I can´t invite mayself with my other email account. Any other idea to rescue my boards? Thanks in advance :-)

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Ivette Barreiro 

The free Miró group where I have saved my boards is full, it doesn´t accept more members

Unless there has been a fundamental change to Miro’s Free Plan, this is not a possible as the Free Plan allows for unlimited team members.

What is more likely is that you are a Member and not a Team Admin and therefore cannot add new team members. However, all is not lost. If you follow the steps in this post, you will find that you can set your board’s share settings to “Anyone with the link → Can view” and then open while logged into your other account and duplicate them to that account.

