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Resize all the images of a frame at the same Vertical or Horizontal Size.

  • July 7, 2021
  • 1 reply
  • Soumyadeep Mandal
    Soumyadeep Mandal
  • Jochen Nelles
  • Heather.Stark
  • StupidJan

Ulrick Wery

Like in PureRefs (, having the possibility to resize all the images sort inside a frame at the same size (based on the vertical or horizontal size of the first image for example):

Like this frame (which was done by hand):


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1 reply

This would be amazing and help so much. 

We work with lots of images all the time and we constantly have to rescale every single one at a time by hand to organize it. It is not only tedious but also time consuming. 

Please can we have this feature?


There is also this thread that deals with the same topic.
