It would be great if the status of Cards (e.g. ToDo, InProgress, Done) could be linked automatically with the board column.
Use case 1:
So if somebody moves a card from one column to another column of the Kanban board the status of the card is automatically changed to the coresponding status of the Kanban board column.
User moves a card that is in status “ToDo” from the column “ToDo” to the column “InProgress”. Miro automatically changes the status of the card from “ToDo” to “InProgress”.
Use case 2:
Miro User changes the status of the card. Miro automatically moves the card to the corresponding column of the Kanban board.
This would safe a lot of time, since Miro Users don’t have to do the same change twice. Additionally it avoids confusion. It happens from time to time that the status of a card is different to the status of the Kanban board.
Additional Feature/Wish:
Of course it would be great, if this would work also for the integrated Jira Cards. However, it is clear that, this is a little bit more complex, since one Kanban board column in Jira can have several different status values.