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Link Kanban Board Column with Card Status

  • January 12, 2023
  • 6 replies

It would be great if the status of Cards (e.g. ToDo, InProgress, Done) could be linked automatically with the board column.

Use case 1:

So if somebody moves a card from one column to another column of the Kanban board the status of the card is automatically changed to the coresponding status of the Kanban board column.


User moves a card that is in status “ToDo” from the column “ToDo” to the column “InProgress”. Miro automatically changes the status of the card from “ToDo” to “InProgress”.

Use case 2:

Miro User changes the status of the card. Miro automatically moves the card to the corresponding column of the Kanban board.


This would safe a lot of time, since Miro Users don’t have to do the same change twice. Additionally it avoids confusion. It happens from time to time that the status of a card is different to the status of the Kanban board.


Additional Feature/Wish:

Of course it would be great, if this would work also for the integrated Jira Cards. However, it is clear that, this is a little bit more complex, since one Kanban board column in Jira can have several different status values.

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6 replies

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7229 replies
  • January 12, 2023

@Martin Zimmerl - I’m curious: Since the card’s status is indicated by the column in which it is located, what value does also using the Status field provide you? Do you have a use case you can share?


Hi Robert

Here is the use case.

I create a Kanban board and then two cards in it (Test1 and Test2). Both are in the column ToDo.

When expanding the task, you see a field status on the right side. The status is not set to ToDo.


Then I manually set the status field to ToDo. When changing the status of one card to InProgress, the card remains in the old status Todo.

See the attached images...






Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7229 replies
  • January 17, 2023

@Martin Zimmerl - Thanks for the additional context - the part about changing the status while inside of a card was the piece I was missing.

Since this post is asking for new functionality, it should probably be in the Wish List category where it can be upvoted by others. I will move it there rather than asking you to repost.


Thanks Robert for moving this to the wish list.

This would be super useful for clickup integration. if the task status can be linked to the coloumn in the Kanban

  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • February 28, 2024

Indeed, I don’t really get why those predefined statuses (todo/in progress/done) can be set independent of the current column. It just adds confusion, unless one uses an unconventional Kanban structure.
