Locking the elements of a board that you don’t want anyone to mess with is really critical to running a successful workshop - anyone that has had a workshop where a participant accidentally moves, removes, or duplicates large elements of a board will know what I am talking about.
For complex boards, thought it can be very difficult and time consuming to manage locked elements, when you need to make update, etc.
Every component of a Miro board should be part of one of two standard layers in any miro board: protected and unprotected. Graphical shapes, Text, etc. should default to protected, and sticky notes, voting dots should by default be unprotected.
When you “lasso select” multiple elements in a section of your board, you should then be able to define if you want to select the protected components or the unprotected components. and you can then easily lock the part that you want to protect from being manipulated by a user.
If you as the facilitator have to update the board in the middle of the workshop, it would also be great if you could unlock elements, but only for you and not for the rest. This way you can make any updates, without risking that the participants by accident mess up the now unlocked part of the board.