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Import mind maps from other apps

Related products:Mapping & DiagrammingApps & Integrations

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Christophe GESCHÉ

In general (and not only with mindmaps) my most important need is to be able to work offline.

And I find that imports from offline tools is a good alternative

Stuart Wright

I use XMind and would like to import some XMind mindmaps into Miro for collaboration.

I use mindmeister and have many Mindmaps.
I also use Zapier and have many Zaps.

I have been trying to migrate to miro but alas, I am unable to, because Miro doesnt support standards.

Here is what Zapier the largest integration tool says about MindMaps.
Here is what Mindmeister says about the export formats they support.

While I love the multifunctionality of Miro, but that is where development seems to have stopped.  Deep on the eye candy and shallow on the the depth.

The standard export formats (non proprietary to Mindmeister) and that I have used to move mindmaps from one application to another, quite easily in the past are: “Freemind .mm”, “XMind .xmind”, and MindJet MindManager .mmap“ most MindMap solutions of any significance support one or more of these formats.  I hope that you will as well.



I think it’s not that Miro can’t import/export mindmaps, it’s just that they won’t.


I’m new to Miro and have enjoyed some of the features.

I just discovered that importing my mind maps is not an option. 🤔

This is such an obvious functionality that anyone wanting to move to Miro would need, I find it very strange that even after years of this being requested there are still no steps towards this.

1- Is the team not willing to create this?
2- Is the team not able?
3- Are the needs of existing and potentially new users not a high priority?

Miro has a high monthly price, so this is even more strange…

Whatever the reason, this makes Miro not an option for me and I guess many others as platform to invest lots of work-time and $$ into.

Thanks for the sticky notes !!!  although the paid account is definitely not an option due to the above.

It seems you can export mindmaps, but what is the point if you cannot also import them? 


Yep, this is a crucial function for serious mind-mapping.

  • New Here
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  • July 20, 2022

I’m looking to use Miro for cross team collaboration. I am stunned there’s no ability to import mind maps  from outside Miro - and this was asked for > 2 years ago.

Am I going to recreate existing material in Miro? No, I’ll use my existing tools [limited] collaboration capability.  Shame, that was a short-lived try-out.

Блин, ну как же так? Действительно, два года все спрашивают функцию экспорта/импорта и единственное, что сейчас имеется - это экспорт в CSV, где просто тупо создается линейный список элементов майндмапа. Ни о какой иерархии, сохранении связей между элементами речи и не идет!
Можно было хотя бы импорт реализовать, пользователи от этого бы не разбежались, зато можно было бы переводить часть данных из графовых БД или онтологий в майндмапы. И тем самым иметь хороший инструмент визуализации.

 #464565 Ticket raised to request this feature

Is there any update on this @Miro Community Team? I was looking into buying the Business license, but not having a reasonable support for importing (and exporting, but import is much more important for me) or at least copy pasting mind maps (I use XMind Pro, iMindMap and Ayoa), makes this tool much less useful for me.

  • New Here
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  • November 3, 2022

Given that Miro are staying silent on this isue, what solutions are other community members interested in this  using instead? My requirements are:

  • self-adjusting layout
  • import/export feature to a common format
  • keyboard-only use (for speed)
  • elegant cross-link support (either ‘related’ or ‘alt-parent’)

  • New Here
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  • November 12, 2022

Это очень странно не иметь функции импорта. Я хотел перейти с xmind на miro, имею кучу материалов, с которыми хочу продолжить работу, но не смогу и речь не только про mind map. Потеряли клиента

  • New Here
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  • January 4, 2023

Just adding my name to the request... At least let me import the OPML from other softwares. Please add this feature, Miro!

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • January 5, 2023

@miro, it has been over two years, and not a peep out of you.


Mind mapping is a very important tool for me, and it is not very well implemented in Miro, so I - and many others still rely on external tools. I use MindNode Pro.


Please could you implement an import from MindNode - and others, and also improve the look/feel and features of your internal Mind Maps?



Yes, please support import of popular mind map formats or at least the open standard .OPML as well as export to .OPML.

I created a mind map in before joining my new company that is using Miro. Exported the mind map to .mm format. I find deeply upsetting there is no import function in Miro.
Request for feature upvoted

I’m Xmind user, I like Miro, but still considering switching since it’s not currently possible to import Xmind files. Hope it has this feature soon

  • New Here
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  • June 28, 2023

Importing mind maps from FreePlane would help me as well.

  • New Here
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  • July 25, 2023

I also need this. 

I create CSV and need to make them into SVG. 

it needs to be automatic and fast. 

I would like to “refresh” the request. I have Xmind projects for customers I want to move to Miro to be able to integrate with the other Miro features.

  • Beginner
  • 5 replies
  • August 16, 2023

I am surprised this has not been answered yet. Apparently many like me feel the ability to import mind map data is critical. Is it possible to gave an update from Miro on the eventuality of this happening?

I am using Freeplane. Would be nice to be able to import Freeplane  maps into Miro. Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to import Freeplane mindmaps into Miro.

Freeplane is a free and open-source mind mapping software application. It is written in Java and runs on any operating system that has a current version of Java installed. Freeplane can be used for mind mapping, knowledge management, and project management.

The Freeplane file format is an XML-based format that is used to store Freeplane mind maps. The format is based on the FreeMind XML file format, but it adds some additional features, such as the ability to store images and attachments.

  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • September 4, 2023

If Miro is confident of your own product, you should accept wider import/export formats or open standard .OPML

A closed system can’t really shine 

I have many Xmids diagrams which I would like to import to Miro for sharing.  it would be great if this was a supported import format!
