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Find & Replace Text

Related products:Fonts & Text editing

I wish there was a way to perform a “replace all” on text, within the document so that if I create a template, I can easily update all the text within by using placeholders (i.e. find and replace all instances of “<Client>” with the client name).

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September 27, 2022

I just launched Super Search on the Miro Marketplace to solve this problem!

Some of the features:
- Search as you type
- Find (and replace) content in sticky notes, cards, shapes, and text items
- Preserves links and text formatting when replacing search results
- Filter results by type, tags, background color, assignee, last modifier, and creator
- Search by case sensitivity, exact word match, and regular expressions
- No account or email sign up needed to get started.


This is one of my first apps on the marketplace, so please let me know if you have any feedback, bug reports, etc. You can email me at or DM me here on the Miro community.


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  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • May 19, 2020

Not only that, but what if you’re designing away and decide to change the name of a component you have referenced multiple times!

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • May 27, 2020

Search and Replace

It would be great to be able to search and replace text on a Miro board and within a selected area. My specific need is to purge the “Copy of” text that gets added to Frame names when I create a copy, but I can definitely see this being used in lots of places.

Maps become far reaching andhaving the ability to make sweeping taxonomy changes across a board would save lot’s of time. It would be the difference between editing live in a collaborative session, and needing to return to make edits later.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • June 18, 2020

Definitely needed. 

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • June 24, 2020

I need this now please!

I definitely could use this! It’s such a pain to have to go back and individually edit every shape - especially when there’s tons of them, and that specific word or phrase is used throughout the board.

I just got here to ask for this, as I am in the process of changing the language of a bigger board that has a lot of example screens and configs (meaning the same few words are used often ad scattered across the hole board)

  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • September 2, 2020

Agreed, This would be really useful.

This would also be a functional work around for this problem (if it was applied to work on link adresses as well, but why not?)

The basic find &replace function is such a powerfull tool to adapt a solution to different evironments/client. Pretty please, include it now.


A mass find & replace would save me the next hour of time!

This feature would save me a lot of time right now!

No search and replace?!?!?



  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • November 18, 2020

please get this’s basic.

Please, please, please add a ‘find and replace’ function for text. We’re using Miro boards to wireframe websites and write copy… one key phrase has just changed and I have to manually find and replace it 108 times across the whole site we’ve planned out…

  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • December 16, 2020

OMG PLEASE implement this - it’s causing us an absolute proofreading nightmare right now 😭

Scott Blinn
  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • December 22, 2020

The first real issue I ran into when getting feedback on a complex board (“let’s change this name that you used everywhere!”, “Now let’s change it again!”). What a pain it is to replace a name used throughout a large Miro board!

This feature is also very valuable when you want to be able to use templates with placeholder names/titles in it.

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • January 28, 2021

Any updates on this? This functionality is really important when trying to scale up templates that start with placeholder information. I hope this is in the works!

Please add this feature! Would make usability much better!

My addition to the request (as originally sent to Miro support):

It would be great to have "Find", and "Find and Replace" functions on the board.
- find and highlight a text (substring) in any type of item on the board (text area, note, shape, line, mindmap, etc)
- find and replace a text (substring) in any item, all occurences at once or one by one
- user could flag some options:
-- find in current frame, selected frames or all items on board
-- find in selected types of items on board (for example in text areas only or in shapes)
Regexp in find would be great option too.

Christina Philpott wrote:

Please, please, please add a ‘find and replace’ function for text. We’re using Miro boards to wireframe websites and write copy… one key phrase has just changed and I have to manually find and replace it 108 times across the whole site we’ve planned out…

Ditto - we use Miro for Event Storming and Process Modelling - imagine having the word “Admin” change to “Administrator” in hundreds of shapes and text boxes. Oh the insanity!

PLEASE add this feature ASAP! The world of software architects beseeches you!

Mitch Sayers

Even better would be the ability to place text variables where, when you know it is going to change every time - for example the name of a client company, or a person’s name or title in an org chart - you can tag that element as a variable, and whenever placing that somewhere else in the board, you can tag it accordingly.  Change one, change them all. Then, of course, a small icon to pop up a panel with all of the text variables in the board.

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • March 2, 2021

Well.. over 9 Month. Creating baby takes not so long :D

I just had to replace a single word manually 75 times… PLEASE release this as a feature!!! 

We just changed our process from being called “Continual” to “Continuous”….and we had to manually replace this word everywhere in about 100 different places.  It would be so useful to have the find & replace feature for this.  

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • April 30, 2021

+1 on this. Just now working on numbered relations between nodes in a Mind Map and we need to switch the taxonomy.
Brain will melt in coming hours.
