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Entity Relationship Diagram / Cardinality / Crow's Foot Notation

Related products:Mapping & Diagramming

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I just signed up for a community account so I could upvote this one ticket. This is a (hopefully) simple addition which would allow creating ERDs with Miro. This one feature has meant us using an entirely different program for ERDs. Thanks!

  • New Here
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  • May 11, 2021

Yes. Please add more technical visual language elements like crows notation!

I don’t think it’s necessary to implement functionality to ‘technical documentation’ level. It’s really about being able to brainstorm data relationships with a team and/or external participants. Which would be PERFECT alongside of Miro’s current library collaborative templates. Let us do it ALL on the canvas! :sunglasses:

Upvoted. This is gonna be huge if we have this feature

Upvoted - delivering this idea would enable us to move our entire consulting team off of using Gliffy and onto using Miro completely (we are already using Miro for process mapping, but need to use Gliffy for data modeling because of these ERD diagramming gaps). 

Yes please - this is the only thing so far that Miro hasn’t had out of the box as soon as I went looking.

I agree that there’s workarounds, such as adding text annotations to the connecting line, but this is much slower than just setting the connector type.

  • New Here
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  • July 21, 2021

I bothered to sign in just to vote for this. May not sound like much but I don’t need another distraction in my day. I DO need this tool. 


I love Miro. Again, this is the only thing that’s pushing me away from Miro.

I PERSONALLY KNOW AT LEAST A DOZEN PEOPLE WHO WOULD USE MIRO TOMORROW if this feature existed. I know people who would LOVE to get the hell out of Visio (etc.), but basic ERD tools (starting with Crow’s foot notation) is basically the ONE TOOL THEY NEED. 


It’s staggering that Miro didn’t ship with crow’s foot notation.  This is table stakes.

Another sign up to the community just to vote for this feature!  Crows foot notation would allow for collaborative data model diagramming that just isn’t available anywhere else for this basic collaborative and designing purpose.


Oh Please We need this too

This would be very helpful and avoid to place or visio or similar screenshots instead.

For the collaborative brainstorming we use this mainly for, the simple 6 connector types without any complex logic in behind, would definitely be good enough.

not just Crow foot, it would be better if a full fledged ER Diagram model is supported, eg





Plase add crow foot connectors, it would make Miro so much better!
If possible also entities as posted above, with table name and properties separated, just like an uml class.

  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • November 23, 2021

i need this feature

  • New Here
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  • December 2, 2021

Is there any update on this please @Marina? An absence of ERD features is a major drawback of Miro for me and, as others have said in this thread, it’s got me sneakily looking at alternatives. I’d love to know if there are any plans to release this functionality any time soon.

Add me to the list. I would have thought that is a standard component! 

  • 5 replies
  • December 16, 2021


  • New Here
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  • December 17, 2021

Currently looking for a new tool to create ERD’s for my team and Miro was a front-runner until finding this thread.

Absolute must have so a +1 here.

Miro Team - any updates on this feature or help needed to descope the ask here so we can get at least a basic MVP of this feature released?  Happy to beta it!

Can’t use Miro without it


This should be standard functionality. The graphics provided are industry standard and this should be out of the box. My Org uses Miro however, everyone who deals with data uses for ERD and data modelling as this tool is hopeless at it. We pay for this and is free. 


Its a massive hole for anyone needing to create diagrams that ahere to industry norms and conventions.

I’d really love to bring over our whole dev team to Miro. There are so many sets of shapes from AWS, Google, etc to diagram setups etc that I really don’t get why it is a challenge to simply add an ERD set with the according shapes and connectors. This definitely gets my vote!


Yevhen Kliukin

what’s up, people

any news on that?

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • February 3, 2022

Please add!!! So many people would start using Miro over so many other tools. Don’t get why it isn’t included yet. Any update?


Corw’s foot would go a long way, ERD tooling further, IDEF1x support would cover the distance. But maybe you guys can at least start small?

Please add this small detail! or at least allow customization for your users to create the functionality for ourselves!

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • February 26, 2022

This feature is a must have if you are trying to win over users from Visio. Also, the fact that I can’t seem to reposition text on a connector is a big negative of Miro in relationship to VIsio.