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Accessibility Improvement: Short Click vs Long Click Delay Setting/Preference or Change in Behaviour

  • Kat Herbert
  • Joseph Shim

A Coworker of mine with a disability was having issues resizing a box. After some troubleshooting I found out the issue was the fact that my coworker uses a trackball mouse and a macro “click and drag” key. The time between pressing the “click and drag” button and actually moving the mouse could be a good 2-3 seconds at which Miro identifies this as a long click.

Possible solutions (Only suggestions. You guys know your products better than I do!)
1) I’m not sure if long presses are needed when resizing an object. Miro could make it so that the software doesn't care how long you hold down the resize “nub” before moving the mouse cursor. Currently if you click and hold the resize nub for a second or two then try and move your mouse nothing happens (compared to clicking and quickly dragging)

2) A way for the user to set the delay of what a long click is. This could be useful if my coworker wants to use the long click and drag select feature and would solve the issue of being unable to resize objects due to software things. Ex. Coworker can set the time to 4 seconds for a long click which is ample time for them to click, move their hand, then move the mouse cursor. If they need to long click then they can click, move their hand, wait an extra second or two then move the mouse cursor.

3) Third option is both can be fixed as maybe the 1st point is unintended/edge-case and the 2nd point can be useful to people but I’m not an expert.

Currently the workaround is for my coworker to press the macro key and try and move the mouse cursor in under a button (can only use one hand with limitations).

Let me know if you have questions or want to reach out to my coworker

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