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When I help users, I want sometimes  provide an url pointing on a board, on a project, on a team.

Board, it’s ok 

But there is no way in app and website to have an url pointing to a project or a team.

I wont “invite” I juste need to be able in a documentation or in a chat give an url directly to a project or a team

oh duplicate of : Project links and sharing

One more want it

I’m frustrated by my inability to link directly into a team.

Please hack this in. Please do not wait until the development team implements URLs correctly. 


I created a workaround here

This is really an absolutely crucial feature for effective collaboration. It is much more natural to share with the team of people that I work with on a Teams chat or e-mail: here, go to this link, create your boards in that project.

Telling them to go check their mail doesn’t work well, people have so much mail, they may even be filtering ones from Miro into a subfolder. Plus that doesn’t catch the ones that you forgot to add to the project or team.

Likewise telling them to navigate to Team X and project Y isn’t great. In my organization I’m already part of 8 teams, half of which I didn’t ask for, and each of those has on average 10-20 projects, so navigating like that isn’t easy either.

We use multiple tools for various types of information, and Miro is (currently) an important part of that strategy.  However, not being able to have a URL that points to a particular project is a serious impediment to being able to take full advantage of Miro for our complex workflows and initiatives.

Please prioritize this feature - it should be relatively simple to add given Miro’s other capabilities.

Another duplicate feature request: Share Project Folders with a Link | Miro

Is there a project manager at @Miro @Miro Community Team managing and reconciling these feature requests? 

3 years later for a fairly simple feature. Here let me draft you an Epic or Feature story:

As a Miro user I would like the ability to create a URL to share with users that takes them to a “project view” withing Miro. 
AC1: I am able to generate a unique URL for project view.
AC2: Miro respects existing entitlements and only allows users with access to a Team > Project to access the project view link shared.
Bonus - AC3: A user who does not have access to the Team & Project can request it via the UI.



Liens et partage de projets | Miro ← It’ now in beta

@Christophe GESCHÉ :)

Appreciate you updating the threads with this news about the project being in beta, and leaving the link. Thank you, this is helpful for other users too! Cheers. 

Il y a enfin une solution,  pas celle attendue mais assez bonne pour radicalement baisser la pression sur l’attente de la fonctionnalité.

On a toujours pas de lien vers les équipes Miro, mais  on les a vers les “SPACES” qui remplacent les Projets

Personnellement, c'est suffisant pour cloturer ce thread

@ElvaMiro Can we close this exchange? Indeed, the novelty that I mention in my previous publication seems an alternative (and not a solution) to the problem posed.

Thank you

Updated idea statusOpenBeta
Idea merged into:

All the votes from this idea have been transferred.

Hi @Christophe GESCHÉ,


I’ve merged your post into the idea that is currently in Beta status – Project Links and Sharing. This will allow all votes and feedback to be consolidated for the team’s review.


Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with the community!


Vous nous faites tourner en rond dans une boucle sans fin !

Quand aurons-nous la fonction demandée depuis 4 ans ?

Project links and sharing
=> The following idea has been merged into this idea:

able to create a link (URL) to a project.µ or a team
=> I’ve merged your post into the idea that is currently in Beta status – Project Links and Sharing. 

@Hélène Dufour

Je répondais justement sur ce fil que la dernière nouveauté était suffisante pour moi, même si elle ne répond pas à la demande, elle répond à mon besoin.

Depuis que les “projets” sont devenus des “espaces”, il est possible d’avoir l’url de l’espace.

Donc  il suffit de toujours créer des espaces et j’ai ce que j’attendais.

Hormis d’avoir un lien direct vers l’équipe, qu’est-ce qui pourrait être encore amélioré ?