Hi there,
I know you are still working on the timeline as you launched a beta version so far. Here are a few suggestions as part of my usecase which may contribute to its further development. I will also post a photo of how I am currently using a self-made timeline in Miro.
1. My team and I are working on different projects simultaneously, therefore it is of main importance to me to list all ongoing projects rather than clustering by user story, feature etc. Each project has a different color, which is portrayed by the legend on the left. When using the timeline provided by Miro I can make use of the “group” option to display the different projects and use the colors provided. For each group I will use one color only rather than mixing them. As Miro only offers a choice of six different colors, it is not sufficient for me - as you can see I need about eight different colors.
2. Within my self-made timeline I am using the option to change the transparency of the color in order to create a fade-out effect. The fade-out effect of the bar symbolizes the future. I am making use of this to better visualize at which stage we are at the present time (end of August as shown in the example) and when the task is supposed to be finished and how much more time is left. As I am presenting the timeline every three weeks to all relevant stakeholders, it would be nice to somehow indicate the present stage. It doesn’t need to be a fade-out effect, maybe just a red line that can be slid across the overall timeline to help indicate the present stage.
3. I am also visualizing important milestones such as the launch of a project (as you can see in the photo with project 5). Obviously it can be added by oneself with emojis and other functionalities in Miro. I can imagine it can overcomplicate the timeline provided by Miro, however I felt like mentioning each aspect of my usecases.
4. Every three weeks I am saving my self-made timeline as a PDF to send it to the relevant stakeholders. Therefore I like the timeline compact, so my stakeholders can access the PDF easily and catch everything at first sight. Zooming in and out is almost not necessary. When I am using the timeline provided by Miro, I can of course also download it but it is not as compact. When using the timeline for a whole year, the timeline provided by Miro stretches out when saved as a PDF, therefore it is necessary to zoom a lot to the left and right. I already really like the option to choose between displaying the timeline in days or weeks, which is perfect when using in Miro. But for saving it as a PDF, it might be nice to make it even more compact, maybe by sorting it by months or something?
That’s all. Thank you so much for your time! Maybe this will help. I am looking forward for the timeline and everything else to come in Miro.