Request: Add Diagram Mapping Objects for RPA Developers
Background: RPA Teams use specific Process Flow Diagrams to create solution designs, our teams have traditionally used Draw.io but we want to move to Miro.
We have been able to utilize other mapping items for most of the process flow maps, except for one.

Add RPA Group to Diagramming
Use existing objects for Terminators and Process and Swimlanes
Add Triggers and Task Objects: Currently we are using a Table for Tasks, and Icons for triggers with text boxes to indicate the trigger. Prefer to have Triggers have Text Add.
Using non-diagramming shapes is cumbersome, as we want to draw and connect quickly. We also want to connect on the Task Section.

And current work around is just automatic and easy. Just a lot of clicks compared to loaded diagramming objects.
RPAs plan development is incredibly fast growing. The global RPA market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20.3% from 2023 to 2030.
Diagrams can be used for any RPA Developer team to build their Documentation and collaborate with Business Analysts
Learn more about RPAs: HERE
Thank you for your consideration.