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Allow for font size changes at different levels of mind map

  • April 14, 2023
  • 1 reply

As a collaborative mind map gets large one has to zoom out to see nodes. but the text is then too small to navigate, there are many cases where each level represents an abstraction layer...and if it is was possible to give level 1 larger font than nodes at level 2, then we could navigate more easily..  Also Even if they are all the same size, we should be able to increase the font size, without spreading the nodes out.
(also Adding to the hundreds of requests for this feature - it is a travesty we can’t export to ODT or CSV and keep the hierarchies….. even free tools have that feature.... I am actually using alternative mind maps.. for that reason.)

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  • April 14, 2023

and to be clear I know you can increase the font size in the central node…. but it has the exact same effect as zoom (and I expect that’s all it is).. it doesn’t increase the font size relative to the node spacing. 
