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Board or Tool/Widget to see my boards (Board Map)

  • August 24, 2022
  • 1 reply
  • Mosquitomax
  • Aleksandar Stevanovic
  • Data-Sandwich
  • VKE

José Ícaro Bezerra Clemente


 I have been using Mic for 4 months and I miss the possibilities to filter, analyze and categorize my Boards, today I have more than 100 boards divided among 15 projects. As we are an EdTech startup, and have several videos and lives on youtube, as well as events and webinars, access sharing of content happens quite often.

 I tried to create a board to help me in the orientation of the boards I have, based on the content and categories I access most on a daily basis and when I try to copy ( ) and paste a link from one board into another board, it simply does not show the board image or a simple link, but a thumbnail of Mic requesting access ( ).

 So I would like to suggest creating a widget or app to manage the flow of activity and link boards within another board in an easier way.


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José Ícaro Bezerra Clemente

*Mic = Miro (browser translate bug, sry)
