As a workshop organizer, I hide and unhide lots of frames as we progress through the workshop (or course). When I discover we’re taking a different route than planned, I want re-organize the board’s frames. When doing that, I typically need to:
- unhide - click (can’t unlock frames if they’re hidden)
- unlock - Command+L
- hide - click (to avoid moving things inside a frame, and increase the ‘target area’ for moving the frame)
- move it - click
- unhide - click
- lock - Command+L
- hide - click
Two things would help greatly:
- allowing unlocking of hidden frames
- a keyboard shortcut to hide/unhide
I would guess that adding a keyboard shortcut to hide/unhide, would have very little impact on existing boards and on user’s current knowledge of how to use Miro. Thus that’s what’s being asked for here in this topic.