Story: As a presenter, I’d love to have a way to set opacity levels on content based on the zoom level, so I can better utilize the 3D presentation opportunity that Miro offers.
Problem: I love the ability to zoom in Miro. I’ve built many models that have “layers” in them that when I zoom in I am able to see (because the next layers are smaller than the ones at the zoomed out level). Unfortunately, when I zoom in to the “smaller” content it’s often still being viewed with the now “larger” content which can create clutter I don’t want. The opposite is true where zoomed out “larger” content is cluttered by “smaller” zoomed in content.
Solution: Since we can control opacity of any content, it would be nice to set opacity levels based on zoom levels. As an example, if I’m at <1% - 5% zoom, content A’s (larger) opacity is 100%, zoom = 5.1% - 10% then opacity = 50%. At the same time, content B’s (smaller) opacity is 5% at <1% - 5% zoom and then 20% at 5.1% - 10%.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given that I am editing content, when I select the opacity option, I can set opacity as dynamic based on zoom level.
Given that I have set dynamic opacity on a piece of content, when I zoom (in or out), then the content becomes more or less opaque based on the zoom level set.