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Quick Add to Selected Frame

  • Kim Roth Howe
    Kim Roth Howe
  • Duan
  • Anton Karanchuk

I love using Miro as an Evergreen Note Taking tool. The infinite visual canvas with rich features is something that no other app has been able to compete with for me. 

However, whenever I have a Eureka moment and want to add it to Miro, it takes ages for the Miro-app and then the board to load and once it is open I usually get distracted by rearranging elements on the board or reading previous notes. I long for just being able to add something new to the right frame without having to go this whole way each time.

Thus, it would be great to have a “Quick Add” functionality: adding a sticky note/card to the board from a widget in Android or from a “console application” in Windows (eg. pressing Control+M anywhere and in any app). One could then organize that by writing the idea plus the board name with a @ or ! in front to designate the board. 

This would really smoothen the workflow and idea generation with Miro for me!

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